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Blogger a_probst said...

What about the state of astronomy? I hate to think that those new ground- and space-based observation tools are for nought.

24 March 2022 at 02:21

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ap - Well, clearly the large space agencies and university groupings are fraudulent, like everyone else - but astronomy has a lot of dedicated amateurs who would tend to keep things honest.

@jorgen - Much/ most of what is said about past science is clearly dishonest as well as incompetent; due to the untrustworthiness of sources. But this, of course, emphasizes how honest and competent the old scientists mostly were.

24 March 2022 at 06:55

Anonymous Erika said...

As someone who has advanced degrees in physics and mathematics (though i am a housewife now)..i have watched aghast at the flimflammery ongoing with the climate "science" and the "birdemic".I knew the sciences were becoming corrupt, because after undergrad i spent time working in some big name research universities and government facilities and saw the inanity. Biological scientists are usually hopeless at math. There is usually one individual in the department they rely on to help them manipulate the statistics to reach the appropriate predetermined conclusion so that they can receive their grant money.

With the birdemic the constantly changing definitions, changing metrics, and changing experimental protocol (in the middle of a trial) was really shoddy and would get most people flunked out of any decent science course.

I had to keep asking my husband if i was seeing things or losing my crackers..because NONE of it made sense.

25 March 2022 at 03:08

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Erika - We agree - but I don't believe that real biologists need to be good at math. Most of the best biology in history did not involve any math at all, because the best biological observations/ experiments are designed to be qualitatively (not quantitatively) valid.

And on the other side, most of the worst abuses of biology are perpetrated by people who are technically expert at *doing* math (or statistics, at any rate) - where there errors are in the *application* of numbers to reality - and failure to understand when this is - and mostly is Not - appropriate.

Given the difficulties, biology would do better to ban all math and statistics - including averaging! (see Claude Bernard on the hazards of this apparently simple calculation) than to try and combine two such different ways of understanding reality.

Goethe seems to have understood this way back at the dawn of modern biology - but was ignored (and usually misunderstood).

25 March 2022 at 12:02

Anonymous Erika said...

@Bruce Charlton
I think you may be right.
Even though i am not as erudite as you are.

Another example of mathematics being applied dangerously is that of the Quantitative analysts during the 2008 derivative debacle..(and finance is artificial to begin with so we have a double layer of unreality being applied)
Any area of study using mathematics can be prone to this, even physics.

This is something I have pondered as well..the mapping of a purely abstract system unto reality.

I sometimes wonder if at some level the scientists and philosophers who are put forward as the “thoughtleaders” and whose dogma is pushed are chosen because their assumptions contain some fundamental error rendering the whole dangerous, or whether it is in fact the case that it is the error of using purely mental constructs mapped onto an ineffable reality that causes the error.

26 March 2022 at 18:09

Blogger lea said...

@Erika, i love your expression of 'unreality being applied'

The mapping of abstract systems unto reality could be a more elegant way of describing a crucial part of what i have started to call the shift of empiricism in the broadest sense, as the primary basis of science, to a model based one. Which took a very critical wrong turn when it started to 'fudge the data' to make reality 'fit to the model' instead of the other way around. It is an expression of control rather then measurement and exploration, because the option that the 'mapping process' is suffering from incomplete data, or translation error (or both), is apparently unacceptable. How dare the world disagree with my calculations?

28 March 2022 at 19:25

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@l - What 'scientists' nowadays call 'models' are merely statistical summaries of past data - and (obviously! Simple common sense tells us) models have zero causal validity unless and until they have been tested for predictive value.

But this never happens before implementation - so long as the model serves dominant propaganda purposes.

This happens from a lethal mixture of ignorance, stupidity, and dishonesty - which is shared by everyone concerned in the process - bottom to top.

28 March 2022 at 19:35