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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honestly don't get why otherwise earnest right-leaning people haven't disconnected from the leftist television/film/news hydra. Especially considering that if we did, our enemy would essentially wither and die, in good part.

Bringing up the addiction issue elicits rage, and perhaps this is a clue.

16 January 2013 at 06:08

Anonymous The Continental Op said...

One way to recall the dark situation we are in:
USA = Under Satan's Administration.
UK = Underworld Kingdom.

Carry on.

16 January 2013 at 06:33

Anonymous ajb said...

"I honestly don't get why otherwise earnest right-leaning people haven't disconnected from the leftist television/film/news hydra."

I can't believe how different the world is after unplugging. I haven't had a television for a long time, but I still read (past tense) a lot of news (via the internet). After unplugging from that recently, my days have changed significantly.

Instead of reading news I tend to focus, in terms of reading, on the immediate, the useful, the in-depth, and so on.

It feels like I have woken from an unpleasant dream.

16 January 2013 at 15:23

Blogger CorkyAgain said...

It's important, however, to distinguish between knowing that our opponents are demons and demonizing the human beings in the enemy ranks.

It's entirely possible that many of those human footsoldiers (and even some of the captains) are unwitting dupes -- that they are indeed "well-meaning but misguided".

Just as it's possible that some of them have knowingly taken the side of the demons and/or are demon-possessed.

Pray for the former, lament the latter, and never forget that "our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places."

16 January 2013 at 19:47

Anonymous Samson J. said...

It feels like I have woken from an unpleasant dream.

This is great - I *literally* said almost this exact thing to my wife today, as we were on a long drive and enjoyed a good conversation as we usually do at such times. I regret to say that I can't remember what the specific topic was, but I do know that I said to her, "Isn't it amazing how easy it is to hold to this [traditional view X] once you stop consuming the mainstream culture?"

17 January 2013 at 00:21

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Corky - You are correct - but I don't think we should overdo the idea of good intentions.

Some of these well-meaning people are in the position of ministering to the besiegers of Minas Tirith - their chosen role in the war is to bandage injured orcs and feed hungry trolls. They are but one step away from active participation in evil.

In non-emergency situations, it is reasonable to judge people on how they choose strategically to deploy their kindness.

17 January 2013 at 05:49