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Blogger Avro G said...

Is it that we’re so much dumber than in the past or that we have so much greater scope to manifest our stupidity that our follies are amplified and in the aggregate amount to a critical mass of evil heretofore not possible?

17 April 2023 at 11:22

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@AG - Dumbness is not relevant - intelligence is not related to goodness. Nor is scope for evil.

It is the basic disposition that is at fault: people do not know and do not want good - because good has no positive meaning for them, because life has no positive purpose.

17 April 2023 at 12:48

Anonymous mr. smarty pants said...

I disagree. Intelligent people can be evil, but they can also be good in a, say, totalitarian regimes, as they think for themselves, while low and middle intelligent people will just go on with the state ideology. Also, dumb people are unable to have high-level reasoning, so they base their political views on combination of dull conclusions and primordial instincts, and then support short-sighted policies which lead the country to nowhere. Also, dumbness means gross nervous system, so when this "going to nowhere" happens, they most likely will feel nothing about it, and even become more confident

17 April 2023 at 13:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@msp - I spent my career working with some of the most intelligent (and conscientious) members of the population in medicine and science; and (on the whole) they are among the most thoroughly corrupted people - especially those who also have managerial roles - because they lack even common sense and basic instinct.

Of course, I have no idea whether you, like me, are judging the goodness of people by Christian and spiritual criteria. You may merely be evaluating social compliance; which high IQ people tend to do better, especially when they are conscientious.

(I was an IQ psychologist, so I am familiar with the data on this - )

But either way; the higher and lower intelligence groups in the west are both net-corrupt (actively evil-affiliated), and extremely evil (to the point of inversion) by world-historical standards.

The differences in goodness wrt IQ stratum are minor and insignificant by comparison.

17 April 2023 at 15:23

Blogger Sasha Melnik said...

I don't think we're worse or better than our predecessors, per se.

But I do feel God's hoping for us to overcome a state of profound, socialised, normalised and enforced _confusion_ - a state that didn't exist to this degree for previous generations.

Previous generations weren't as confused but probably had to try harder to survive.

The double negative... it became the lexicon, in a middle class sense of covering up appearances.

The next stage is well documented in the sense of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9

Which makes its appearances beautifully in That Hideous Strength.

I've experienced this myself, at least once. The language I was speaking could no longer be understood by others.

17 April 2023 at 16:46

Blogger William Wright (WW) said...

What gives me some hope is the vision that Nephi had from an angel at the beginning of the Book of Mormon, in where he saw the devil's kingdom in the latter days and that it "had dominion over all the earth, among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people".

But, there were the Saints and covenant people also scattered (though their numbers were apparently very few, perhaps for the reasons you cite), and at the time when the devil's victory seemed almost absolute, power from 'the Lamb of God' descended from heaven on these people and they "were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory".

I think at least part of this power will be found in the restoration of stories that will get to exactly what you are calling for, Bruce - simplicity and easily understandable truths. And with these stories, we each will hopefully find that good motivation again - something that resonates in a unique way to each of us, and the tide of the battle starts to turn.

18 April 2023 at 02:11