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Anonymous Karl said...

This strikes as a chord, as I was very irritated this morning while rushing to get my train to see an entitled mother and her brats steaming toward me on their bikes on the pavement. I refused to move, and the kids had to go up on the grass and the mother looked sheepish as I shot her a look.

Plus a few weeks ago my partner and I were nearly decapitated by a couple of cyclists tearing down a country hill and coming around a blind bend without making any attempt whatsoever to slow down.

They really are the most entitled people on the planet, and of course the whole thing has become yet another middle-class, Guardian status symbol with more and more elaborate bikes and cycling gear.

A pox on them all!:-)

28 October 2020 at 20:02

Blogger Serhei said...

Well, I also heartily dislike automobiles as a dominant form of urban transport, but I dislike them for the Right Reasons. So of course a common, non-frowned-upon entertainment of the lockdown period has been to drive around in circles in lieu of actual entertainment.

As always, Japan dodges this insanity and avoids building bicycle lanes. Instead, bicycles are permitted to bicycle (slowly and politely) on sidewalks (in acquiescence to what will happen anyways), and sidewalks are made extra-wide in heavily bicycled areas of a large city. When bicycles are not around, the space naturally reverts to the ones truly entitled to it i.e. pedestrians.

Streetcar tracks in the road inconvenience cyclists, so it follows that streetcars (trams) are a Godly form of transportation. In fact, I have noted that any form of fixed infrastructure for street transport (tracks, trolleybus wires) is disliked by public officials with an unconscious and illogical fervour completely inexplicable in this-worldly terms (either due to economic calculations or lobbying by special interests), and leads to frantic and desperate efforts to tear it out in favour of non-working and even non-existent technologies (natural gas, battery-electric, hydrogen). Therefore, although electricity in general is associated with Ahrimanism, it would seem to follow that the electric wires in public transportation infrastructure act as some kind of paradoxical ward against demonic activity.

I have not deciphered the full meaning of this since the cities where such infrastructure is most intact are not necessarily havens of godliness. Since they are clearly quite painful for the Devil to contemplate, perhaps the retention of tram- and trolleybus-wires indicates an immune reaction of society in some cities where the Devil has been particularly active. It is a battle that is lost in some places and won in others.

28 October 2020 at 21:02

Anonymous Dave said...

You're observing a tumor and mistaking it for a brain. As we inherit God's plan for a righteous life, each of your cells inherits a full copy of your DNA telling it how to do its little part to sustain that life. A cancer cell has scribbled over that DNA and replaced it with instructions that by natural selection evolve into "make more cancer cells".

There is no Grand Strategy of Evil, only a formless, hungry, seething, growing mass of bureaucrats all seeking more wealth, prestige, and power for themselves. They have no better chance of outliving the nation they are busily ruining than cancer has of outliving its host, but they wouldn't be where they are now if that fact bothered them.

29 October 2020 at 20:37

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Dave - I will not try to persuade you! I presume that (like the mass of people, apparently) your assumptions do not allow you to see what is perhaps the most obvious thing in human history - there will never be more evidence than there has been in 2020.

29 October 2020 at 21:06

Blogger Luther Burgsvik said...

One of the interesting points about Covid is how many diverse policies and narratives it has been used to justify, cycle lanes being one of them (supposedly for social distancing reasons). They and other bike related developments have been popping up all across the country, like symptoms of a disease. Although, being that it's 2020, cycling has been rebranded as 'Active Transport'.

The amount of lies and modernisms (like needlessly rebranding something because 'reasons') that are occuring because of Covid is mind boggling, both in number and scale. As you have pointed out, the fact that so few people have noticed these lies speaks volumes about where our hearts and minds are (either cowering away, or buried in the sand).

29 October 2020 at 22:07