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Blogger agraves said...

I agree with all of this and would ask you this: over the last few generations there has been increased use of pharmaceuticals for various illnesses including blood pressure, adhd, depression, anxiety, etc. These coupled with 24 hour news cycle on TV and internet are having a profound effect on peoples' consciousness. I don't see a real turn around for moderns if their mental abilities and brain function is continually confused by consumer society. There are TV shows about "ghosts" and hauntings, filmed with infrared video to make it spooky but it is all meant to bamboozle people, they would rather watch that than be told their "uncle Joe" is present at the dinner table just now and wishes us all well.

24 November 2020 at 13:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ag - There has been a massive increase in impairing people with drugs over the past few decades - antidepressants, antipsychotics & anticonvulsants ('mood stabilizers), statins...

And with use of multiple drugs (maybe half or more people with a diagnosis of 'bipolar' disorder in the US are taking five or more major psychiatric medications - and this affects maybe 5% of the population or more - often teens and young adults - because 'bipolar' is diagnosed in people with a wide range of neurotic symptoms and emotional lability).

All of this has been clearly analysed, and exposed, but the dishonesty on all sides makes it impossible to exert any beneficial effect. People simply can't believe (or even comprehend) that almost-all the high status medical research literature is corrupt - and worse than worthless (because continually being actively manipulated for evil purposes).

Medicine is just the leading edge of the also-denied fact that high-status, professional science is essentially dead - again, because it is systematically dishonest, at every level (from funding - which drives everything, on downwards and through to appointments, promotions, prizes and awards).

As I put it in my book of that name (available free online) - people are Not Even Trying to be honest.

24 November 2020 at 14:46