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Anonymous Bruce B. said...

Isn't this Arminian soteriology?

31 August 2020 at 11:23

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@BB. No.

31 August 2020 at 13:40

Anonymous Joel said...

Having listened to the William Arkle lecture that you linked earlier, the idea that would strike me is that at the next level after this life, God builds what he can on the foundation and identity that exists after a single or multiple runs through this life. Whatever he builds on the next level, however, has to be a true and perfect continuation of the foundation (medical school) here.

I would think that God could no doubt correct for mistaken beliefs and understandable misjudgements and even organic mental derangement as he creates the next level for us. But if we have internalized into our own identity something truly incompatible with his plan, his only option would be to build us into something more compatible with our identity, and go with the "second-best" plan. Perhaps the next level would not be our "final destination", but it no doubt looks infinite from our limited perspective here.

31 August 2020 at 15:05

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Joel. I believe that Jesus intends that those who choose to follow him will be resurrected into Heaven after death; and he made this possible - even for grossly imperfect sinners. By choosing to follow him, we make a permanent commitment to Heaven and to leave behind all our sins (ie repent them).

Our job in mortal life is to learn fromit, and thereby develop that which is resurrected. If we have lived well, that which is ressurected is more developed, greater, more Grown Up (in Arkles terms).

And that is the the basis for our eternal life.

In other words, I don't believe that Christians are, as a rule, reincarnated - although clearly it could happen if needed - resurrection could be delayed... But that would, I think, be very unusual since the time of Jesus; although it was probably usual before then.

...since reincarnation seems to be the innate belief of most pre-Christian societies, and remains so... However, the nature of reincarnation is extremely varied and this may reflect the nature of souls born in other times and places.

In general God grants us what we most want, or a simulacrum of it - and the versions of reincarnation could be human communications of these different desires.

But genuinely to want reincarnation after this mortal life is Not to want ressurection and Heaven; or at least Not Yet.

31 August 2020 at 16:14

Anonymous S.K. Orr said...

I enjoyed this, and was inspired to write a bit about it.

1 September 2020 at 12:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@SK. Thank. Such things are important to consider, I believe. And perhaps now especially.

1 September 2020 at 13:57