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Blogger a_probst said...

I've only played the first couple of minutes, just before the commentary begins. Try it with your eyes shut and it's easy to forget that the sound is an old track. (Come to think of it, the Germans had tape recorders first.) Scary.

Maybe you've heard the Stuka Lied:

I first heard it in a documentary about Hitler-era German cinema, screened at USC in the late '70s at the behest of Cornelius Schnauber, the chairman of the German Department there. The sequence from a movie showed pilots of a Stuka squadron in flight chatting over their radios prior to attack. Then they break into the Stuka Lied. The audience was in stitches. In that context it played like something out of Mel Brooks.

And remember the scene in _The Battle of Britain_ (1969) when two English boys are casually arguing with each other over whether the approaching planes are Heinkels or Stukas?

24 August 2021 at 15:34

Blogger AnteB said...

Have you ever been to any of the airshows at Duxford? They have made some impressive shows with WWII planes.

I´m generally not very interested in engineering or machines but have always found airplanes, and trains, quite captivating.

24 August 2021 at 16:08

Anonymous Howard Sutherland said...

I am a dive bomber. Whilst the primary missions of fighters I flew (Phantoms and F-16s) was air superiority, we had secondary air-to-ground duties. Dive bombing, usually through pop-ups from low level, was our preferred method.
The Stuka was daunting indeed, but if I’d had to be a WWII dive-bomber, I might have preferred the Douglas Dauntless, of Midway fame. My first choice, though, would be the Red Air Force’s Il-2 Sturmovik. Faster, more survivable, and about as accurate as the Stuka. The Wehrmacht hated it.

24 August 2021 at 17:04

Blogger Stephen Macdonald said...

My close chum's father flew Corsairs in the South Pacific for the Royal Navy (he was Canadian) at age 19, toward the end of the war. He shot down 5 1/2 Zeros (one was shot down by two planes at once, hence the half credit). He died a few years ago. My chum has been trying for years to arrange a ride in a Corsair. What men these young pilots were!

24 August 2021 at 17:30

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ap - "two English boys are casually arguing with each other over whether the approaching planes are Heinkels or Stukas"

Oh dear. That almost sounds like the time when my wife got the identities of a Lancaster and a Spitfire the wrong way around when looking at a jigsaw...

24 August 2021 at 18:13

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Ab - Sadly no - too far away.

@HS - Much as I like the big US-made radial-engined fighters, the Stuka's capability to dive vertically trumps all other considerations for a dive-bomber - just as the Lightning's ability to climb vertically makes it my postwar favourite!

@Nova - Great stuff.

24 August 2021 at 18:18

Anonymous GFC said...

There was a US Army Air Forces study done on the Stuka right after the war IIRC that claimed that the Stuka - as a dive bomber - was greatly ahead of its time and no other contemporary dive bomber could touch it.

I think the modern incarnation of the Stuka is the A-10 Warthog.

1 September 2021 at 14:50

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@GFC - So it seems; and apparently Rudel the Stuka ace was consulted in its development, and Rudel's biography referenced as reading for the designers; presumably because the Warthog was intended to fulfill a similar role.

1 September 2021 at 15:17