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Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@WmJas - Ha! Thanks for pointing-out the typo.

This is what comes of daily blogging from 05.30, as is my wont; plus I have never been a good proof-reader, and am getting worse...

26 October 2015 at 10:34

Anonymous George said...

@JP - You feel women should dye their hair? By the same logic, I think you would be compelled to support plastic surgery, etc. and criticize those who don't do it.

26 October 2015 at 17:05

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@George - I think JP meant that he knew of many women who did not conform to the characterization I suggested - I don't think he was expressing a personal preference.

26 October 2015 at 18:33

Blogger Nicholas Fulford said...

Surrendering to age is not a good thing in my thinking. Stay fit to be able to live without morbidity as long as possible. Of course this is tangental to Bruce's points. To get and stay fit and any age does make a person more attractive, but that is not or should not be the aim in getting and staying fit.

26 October 2015 at 23:04

Anonymous JP said...

I think many middle-aged women let themselves go when they don't need to. They don't need to advertise their availability to all men in a sluttish way; but they still, ideally, should want to maintain their attractiveness to their husbands for as long as possible. I have female relatives who only stopped dying their hair when they were in their 70s, after their husbands passed away. I have other female relatives in their 40s, whose husbands are still alive, but who pretty much gave up and let themselves go (got fat, quit dying their hair) - in my view, unnecessarily.

Yes, women *should* dye their hair (among other things). This is not very expensive or time-consuming to do. Any comparison between this and much more expensive and risky plastic surgery is absurd. They should not get fat or dress like a slob, either - for their own health and self-respect, even if they do not wish to attract men. Women (and men!) who do not do the relatively simple things to present themselves well at any age do indeed deserve criticism.

27 October 2015 at 14:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JP - In that case I disagree with you! Trying to pass as younger is a slippery slope, deeply corrupting, with no clear place to get off.

27 October 2015 at 15:13

Anonymous JP said...

I must be living in one of the few remaining bubbles of upper middle class white normality, or something. I see plenty of women in their 40s. There is no evident (to me anyway) difference in virtue between the ones who have let themselves go and the ones who keep themselves fit, dress nicely, and dye their hair. There are plenty of church-going, faithful wives and devoted mothers in the latter group. If they are sliding downhill into depravity, it is not clear to me how they are doing so.

27 October 2015 at 18:50

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JP - Of course it doesn't apply to every individual! Not when every single women dyes her hair (well, one exception). But it is all part of the same phenomenon. It is like a heavy drinking culture where drunkenness is common - not everybody is an alcoholic - but they participate in the same culture which produces alcoholics and binge drinkers among those who are lower in self control on the bell curve.

As Charles Murray has often noted, the educated middle classes are relatively immune to most social pathologies that are caused by the policies they advocate (although not to the pathology of subfertility - there they lead the way).

Having said that - the upper middle classes are only *relatively* immune. For example divorce (usually for trivial non-reasons) is *much* commoner in this group (and in all groups including the highly religious) than 50 years ago. It's all part of the same general pattern of secular hedonism, attention addiction and the religion of the sexual revolution.

27 October 2015 at 21:01

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eros running amok will destroy any civilization. Haven't we known this since the early Greeks?

28 October 2015 at 05:37

Anonymous Tucker said...

I agree strongly with most of what JP has to say, for the same reasons. The ultimate offense we see regularly in our society is the middle-aged wife who not only gets fat but cuts her hair off into a boyish asexual style. What a disrespectful insult to her husband! By contrast, when you see old black-and-white photographs from long ago the old women often had their hair in a bun - but still long (and feminine).

29 October 2015 at 14:25

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@T. I find it utterly extraordinary that, in the most sexualized society in history, you regard that as THE major problem. I draw my own conclusions.

29 October 2015 at 17:02