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Blogger David Cannady said...

From the beginning of this nation, the one thing that distinguished us from the others is individual liberty. The "blessings of liberty" referred to in the Preamble to the Constitution are a real thing that was absent in all others. The reason this works is because each individual is more deeply affected by God's Divine Providence. Where a society has a complex system, the effects of nature are blunted. The consequences of poor choices are distorted by welfare programs, prohibitions and the imperfections of man's law. God's law is irrefutable and as simple as what goes up must come down. In a free land, if you don't work, you might not eat(more often, generous and compassionate people will feed you). But, charity only occurs, as a moral principle, voluntarily. It is unthinkable, to me, that one can truly believe in God, but demand the law enforcement their opinion of His will. No thanks, I would imagine Him saying, I can handle this all by Myself.

11 August 2016 at 21:46