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Anonymous Gnecht said...

Over the weekend I came across a Popular Science magazine from 2001 that had an interview of Christopher Langan. Then this morning I came across posts like this one about him. Synchronicity, perhaps.

I have been wondering how Christopher Langan's "Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe" ideas compare and contrast with those of William Arkle. I don't feel I'm well-equipped to properly engage all their material. But when Christopher Langan writes things like...

Perhaps the most profound change in our worldview will come from learning that living, breathing human beings are essential and logically necessary ingredients of reality, not just "emergent phenomena" which "supervene" on brute physical processes.

...I somehow get reminded of things I read here about William Arkle's writings.

21 June 2021 at 16:27

Anonymous Otto said...

I've been following Chris Langan's work on and off for more than a decade. He is quite a character! I don't claim to understand most of it, but some of it is definitely interesting and thought provoking. What do you think about his paper "Metareligion and the Human Singularity"? I think it would be related to your interests.

21 June 2021 at 17:15

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@G - Langan's metaphysics is more abstract than Arkle's (although he does believe in a personal God); and Arkle's is more abstract than mine (which is pluralistic while both Langan and Arkle are monists - I strive to make my metaphysics as 'personal' as possible).

21 June 2021 at 17:49

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Comment from Jake: "This is unbelievable synchronicity. The item on the Internet that I had read before reading your post today was a post by Christopher Langan.
How likely is that?


Regarding the actual subject of your post: I think you are on the right track on genius. The average man on the street now thinks of geniuses as being morons like Bill Gates, or good marketers like Steve Jobs. I still think of people like William Blake, Melville, Thoreau, Lavoisier, Tesla.

Response from BGC - Well, it wasn't really synchronicity - because Langan was brought to my mind as an example, from reading about him earlier at Vox Day. It was just topicality.

21 June 2021 at 17:53

Blogger Hrothgar said...

Within the formal educational environment I suspect that your second point as it relates to educational achievement works something like this in practice:

The high intelligence + high-Conscientiousness students will tend to devote themselves, above all else, to trying to identify what exactly it is that the tester is seeking by asking the question, and to supplying that to the best of their ability. Greater intelligence in this case translates to greater capacity to absorb and utilize knowledge, and to apply the learned skill of sucessfully divining the questioner's intent, hence intelligence strongly correlates with performance. It would not really occur to a student of this type that any other approach existed, or could be taken by an intelligent person. The opportunity cost of potentially failing to please others would be too great to seriously consider.

High intelligence + high Psychotism students, on the other hand, will be inclined to see the question in isolation from social expectations,(which are relatively unimportant to them to begin with and which they may even wish to subvert in some cases), including those of the tester, and to address it on their own preferred terms. How this works out will vary between individual students (far more so than between high-Conscientiousness sudents at a similar level of intelligence), but can be expected to include a large proportion of the following: Challenging the parameters of the question itself; answering according to what the student believes to be true with relative disregard for whether the tester or System are likely to concur; making an argument contrary to the one obviously expected because it seems closer to the truth, or else to exercise the student's reasoning powers, etc.

Higher intelligence in this case will be much more weakly correlated with performative success, and may even correlate negatively, especially in subjects they dislike or where they disagree with certain fundamental principles of the educational programme. More intelligent students (especially those who are also naturally creative), will simply find it easier and more natural to think of ways to do something "other" than what is expected of them, and may not even realize they are doing so in the heat of the moment.

Such behaviour is likely to get the student branded "difficult" at best, particularly within an environment dedicated to highly standardized formal testing. The high-Conscientiousness educators and system functionaries that the modern educational environment tends to attract, in particular, are going to have a great deal of difficulty understanding what drives the student to act as they do, let alone in seeing it as something that may have positive benefits in future.

21 June 2021 at 20:48

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My gloss on Mangan is that he believes pretty much the same thing that David Bohm came to understand: the explicit reality ("explicate order") we swim in is underpinned, generated, if you will, by a hidden "implicate order" that is constantly folding and unfolding. The Standard Model shows that there is a single unifying "field of fields" that is the template for reality, the universe.

The frustrating thing with Bohm (deceased) and Mangan is that they won't fully embrace the reality that this construct they are trying to adumbrate is merely the Divine Will.


22 June 2021 at 01:27

Blogger Karl said...

A physics teacher gave an exam including a question that was meant to test the students’ recall of the relationship between elevation and atmospheric pressure that had recently been taught them.

Question: how might you use a barometer to determine the height of a tall building?

One of the students, let’s call him John, had the combination of high intelligence and high psychoticism that Hrothgar describes here as likely to get the student branded “difficult”. John’s answer: I would drop the barometer off the top of the building and note the time it takes to fall to the ground. Then the height of the building in feet will be sixteen times the square of the observed time in seconds.

The teacher could not in fairness mark this answer wrong. He called John in for a chat.

“For the method you propose, you could have used a brick just as well as a barometer. Can you give me an answer that employs the barometer as a measuring device?”

Certainly, said John. The side of the barometer is marked with a scale showing some thirty inches. Go into the stairs and mark the wall off in barometer lengths from one landing up to the next to get the height of one story in barometer lengths. Multiply by thirty inches and by the number of stories in the building.

“Well, yes, but a simple yardstick would have served just as well as a barometer. Can you give me an answer that uses the special properties of a barometer, which after all is an expensive piece of equipment?”

Certainly, said John. I would knock on the door of the building manager and I would say “Here I have a precisely crafted scientific instrument. I will give you this instrument for you to admire or to sell, if only you will tell me the height of this building!”

22 June 2021 at 15:06

Anonymous Michael Scharrer said...

I'm very much enjoying your Book "The Genius Famine".
Since I don't own a Kindle, I generated an epub and mobi for my e-readers (based on the html of ) using Calibre.

What is the copyright status? Can I share it with friends, post it online?
If you want I can also send you the file.
Apologies if I'm posting this at the wrong place.

27 June 2021 at 10:01

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Edward and I retained the copyright and made the book freely available as a text copy. I'm afraid I don't understand the legalities of you sharing a few epub versions, but its provably fine if nobody makes any money. Of course, the kindle version is so cheap it's hardly worth spending time on fiddling with files!

27 June 2021 at 11:38

Anonymous Alexeyprofi said...

It is funny how you write about christianity, evil and sex. You even mention Chris Langan. The problem is that he is not a looser like media often trying to show it. He created CTMU, you should watch last(and any other of you want) interview with him. Without it I consider your beliefs laughable, especially believe in hell which I do hot support. We all live in god's consciousness, we are part of him, we will return in his mind after death. You can compare it to book characters. They exist while we using our processing powers to imagine them. After we stop read book, we back them into us, meaning this characters live now our lives. Also reality is a language. When you see someone's brain, you can't see what his thoughts are. This like when you look at text, but you don't know the language. So matter is a text and our consciousness is content or meaning of text. To understand thoughts of other by looking at his brain you have to know the language of reality(and, perhals, see it down to the basic structures of reality). thanks

28 July 2021 at 21:22

Anonymous Alexeyprofi said...

Ok sorry for being rude. I don't find your beliefs laughable however CTMU is modern theological conception so I don't take all non-CTMU seriuz.

28 July 2021 at 21:39