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Blogger The Crow said...

I enjoyed that.
And venture to observe that this is what you do best :)

30 January 2013 at 19:17

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Crow - yes, you are probably correct: this is the sort of polemic that used to get me (moderate) fame and a bit of money. But around 1998 I decided that a didn't want to be primarily a professional hatchet man, even if I was quite good at it.

30 January 2013 at 19:55

Anonymous johnthesavage said...

When I was young and poor I couldn't understand why Brave New World was bad and thought 1984 made way more sense.

Then I got older and richer and realized how accurate Brave New World was and how terrible it was.

30 January 2013 at 21:11

Anonymous senexada said...

This is an especially clear description of bureaucracy. I appreciate your perspicuity. By chance have you read Parkison's Law?

In the US, the Wall Street Journal reported (Jan 9 editorial, reprinted here) that in our universities, "the number of bureaucrats has increased 10 times faster over the last decade than people hired to do actual teaching and research, US Dept of Education data show."

31 January 2013 at 15:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@s - I read Parkinson a long time ago - nearly 40 years ago. He was very well known in England at that time, almost a household name. Interesting and significant that he is now pretty much forgotten - probably because all the people who would have been his readers and laughed at the bureaucrats, are now themselves bureaucrats.

31 January 2013 at 16:13

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great insight and complements what James Simpson says in this article about the Alinsky-Cloward-Piven strategy:

What you say here could perhaps be expanded: "All organizations with significant government subsidy become, therefore, branches of government".

Why should we stop the analysis at "organizations"? Couldn't it be that the individual himself becomes absorbed into "government" once enough hand-outs have him hooked? Aren't these individuals the 47% Romney talked about?

You have to hand it to the Left, though -- they sure know how to cover all their bases: the organizations become part of government through subsidies; the individuals through hand-outs. It is a perfect scenario to implement whatever social engineering they can dream up.

Yes, you have to hand it to the Left: at least their plans work. The West is falling into all the traps that have been laid out by the Left for decades in advance. There is little to be done about it.

I may just have to stop worrying and embrace the Dark Side. Yes... I will close my eyes and learn to love the Left.

1 February 2013 at 14:11

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Yes indeed - this is the last section from my book Thought Prison (online via link in the sidebar)

Why don’t you convert to political correctness?
Since you can't do anything about political correctness, why not just make the best of it?
Why not exploit the situation instead of moaning about it?
Do what is expedient - why not?
Why not make a successful career out of PC - like so many others?
Why not surrender your private mind to PC, in the same way as you have already surrendered your public behaviour?
By having any reservations at all, you are making yourself miserable - why not simply cast-aside those reservations?
Just say an inner yes to what you will, anyway, be forced to do...
Since you necessarily inhabit the thought prison that is political correctness – then why not, at least, become one of the ‘trustys’ among the inmates – to assist with the smooth running of the gaol, and get yourself a few privileges.
Why not, indeed, strive to become one of the guards? Somebody has to do the job? Maybe you could temper the severity of the regime?
And herein lies the particular temptation for the intellectual elite – a temptation few resist.
That (literally) soul-destroying pragmatism by which (for eminently sensible reasons) we quietly, by gradual degrees, change sides in the spiritual battle of the world: that unseen warfare between The Good and that which opposes The Good.
Well why not?
There is no earthly reason why not.
In a world of pervasive and powerful PC, there is really only one compelling reason for holding back and resisting in any way, shape or form - which is that embracing political correctness will shrink your soul.
If you do not believe in the soul, this reason will carry no force at all: so by your own calculations you are stupid to resist PC.
Or, if you believe the soul is inviolable, and that nothing you think or do can affect the soul: then also, by your own calculations, you are stupid to resist PC.
If you do not believe in Natural Law (innate knowledge of The Good), and that breaking Natural Law harms the soul: then logically you should learn to love PC.
If you do not believe in the reality of transcendental good - then you might as well go with the flow, allow yourself to be re-programmed: to learn, by regular practice, to re-label lies as truth, ugliness as beauty, evil as virtue; until PC has entered into your heart and soul, as well as pouring into your ears and out-from your mouth.

But political correctness is nihilism; therefore it is not merely political: it is also existential.
To fight against political correctness is therefore ultimately an existential act: a battle to preserve the eternal soul.
But if you do not believe that political correctness will harm your eternal soul: then you would be well-advised to suck it up.
Why not?...

1 February 2013 at 14:27