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Blogger William Wright (WW) said...

I don't think it takes any assumption of a change in human consciousness, awareness, or the need to make choices over the ages to explain a shift in how individuals interact with Christian institutions. It seems a shift in belief and power, at both a population and individual level, might be a simpler way of interpreting things.

Modern Man recognizes the external authority of political, social, and even religious institutions just as passively, blindly, and obediently as you described ancient Men doing so with Christianity, with recent and ongoing events, I think, validating this. What has changed is the nature of which institutions are believed in, followed, and thus which ultimately have power.

The feeling of being cut off in this scenario may also have more to do with the proliferation of these institutions (made possible through modern tools and technology) and the inherent discord and strife they are causing as their various adherents do battle with each other.

19 July 2023 at 15:22

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@WW - I completely accept, indeed I insist!, that one cannot derive the truth of the development of consciousness from empirical observations.

So - yes, *of course*! - the data of history and of the present Can be explained without assuming that there has been a development of consciousness.

This is the vital distinction between metaphysics and natural science. Metaphysics comes first and is more fundamental, because it can neither be refuted nor confirmed by observations.

All I am doing in the post is showing *how* the observations can be explained by the metaphysical assumptions I hold; I am certainly not trying to *prove* the validity of the metaphysics by listing compatible observations - because that would be to reverse the causal relationship.

The important thing for someone who wishes to explain - as nearly everybody does, usually unconsciously - the observations of history *without* any change of consciousness; is to try and relate this assumption to God's plan of creation.

*I* am saying that God is primarily concerned with the nature Man's consciousness, individually and collectively; and that God uses such changes as a causal driver of history.

Other possibilities are to assume that God is indifferent to Man's consciousness, that all Men in all societies throughout all of history have identical consciousness, or that God made Men with a passive consciousness that is driven-by social factors.

Some of these possibilities seem absurd to me; when God the creator is known to be a loving parent/s -- but these are exactly the kind of assumptions that needs to be exposed, acknowledged, and intuitively evaluated.

19 July 2023 at 17:19

Blogger William Wright (WW) said...


Your statements on metaphysics assumptions make a great deal of sense.

To be clear, I am not stating the consciousness hasn't changed or explaining reality through that lens. I would actually argue that consciousness has changed a great deal, but in the opposite direction that you are suggesting. Whereas you assume a more aware and conscious Modern Man, I think we are far less aware and conscious then were Men anciently, and our current condition reflects this.

In a world dominated by entropy, as you have written about, and with the reality of choice and consequence, one would almost expect this to be the case.

This scenario doesn't need to mean God is indifferent or not a loving parent. It only means that there are 'rules of the game', and these rules are real. The hope is that God knows this - the rules and their implications - better than anybody, being more intelligent than all of us, and his plan for our redemption takes all of this into account.

It may mean, however (and counterintuitively) that it has been further down into the abyss and darkness, a deterioration of our collective and individual condition and capabilities (with perhaps some way to go) before the light comes, rather than a gradual evolution upward.

19 July 2023 at 19:54

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@WW "It may mean, however (and counterintuitively) that it has been further down into the abyss and darkness, a deterioration of our collective and individual condition and capabilities (with perhaps some way to go) before the light comes, rather than a gradual evolution upward."

This comment makes me suspect you have fundamentally misunderstood what I am saying.

I am Not asserting that we are engaged in a gradual evolution upward in any kind of moral sense, or theosis; and I Do believe (and have stated hundreds of times on this blog over the past 13 years) that the world Now is far more evil than at any time in human history (so far as I know history, anyway).

Because never before have value inversions been so widespread nor regarded (officially, by leadership) as good; nor has common sense, basic human virtue, and traditional/ spontaneous truth ever before been so systematically regarded as evil.

19 July 2023 at 20:53

Blogger William Wright (WW) said...

Yes, I am likely misunderstanding.

My last comment, however, wasn't about good or evil and whether more or less, but rather about our condition and capabilities - including our awareness, consciousness, and recognition of choices and their consequences - with a view that these are potentially impaired and getting worse and not better or sharper, even as we face an environment such as you describe which puts increasing demands on them.

20 July 2023 at 06:45