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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Rich said...

Thanks for this, Bruce. Very thoughtful and helpful.

24 October 2013 at 23:09

Anonymous Nicholas Fulford said...

If God be God then none can stand against him.

If this is not true, then God is not God, for God is necessarily greater than all else.

In the first case, do not worry as divine providence cannot be at risk, and if the latter then there is no point in worrying about the providence of a God that is not God.

27 October 2013 at 03:48

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NF - God is necessarily greater than all else, but that does not of course mean that none can stand against Him! Christianity is about many billions of souls - from Satan onward to almost everybody now alive - standing against God.

Providence is what God want, and is working towards - but the free will of other agents (at least) stands between the one and the other - in fact is is the free will of agents which God primarily hopes to induce to choose well - just as a parent will hope for the love of their children - but cannot coerce it.

In addition, I hold to the Mormon view of God as constrained by matter, laws of nature, linear sequential time etc - God being within the universe (not vice versa) - so providence can only work within this context.

But even without that, the reality of free will in Angels and Men is enough to make my point.

27 October 2013 at 06:28