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Blogger william arthurs said...

Two historical book recommendations about this timeline, both books from the 50s.

(1) Norman Cohn's The Pursuit of the Millennium. Sporadic millenarian break-away movements from the church, led by firebrand renegade priests or monks, started some hundreds of years before the Reformation and gradually gained more and more traction.

(2) Fr Louis Bouyer's The Spirit and Forms of Protestantism. The Reformation could not have happened before the metaphysical groundwork for it was laid in late mediaeval times, but once that had happened, the Reformation was inevitable and the Church institutions could not defeat the challenges that were posed. The people involved in these arguments at the time were too close to them to spot the philosophical changes underlying, but we can now see it. Reading this book today is an experience heavy with irony because Bouyer, a former Protestant minister, went on to a central role in Catholic liturgical reforms following Vatican II in the late 60s which their opponents now (2022) argue undermined belief in the Real Presence.

16 December 2022 at 12:52

Blogger Alexeyprofi said...

I have read Italian psychotherapists (Luigi Anepeta, Nicola Gezzani, Bruno Cancelieri). They say that man has a need to belong to a group and a need to individuate. For most of history, the need for belonging has dominated, and the need for individuation became expressed around the time of the French Revolution

16 December 2022 at 23:47

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Ap - The question is why? What drives this change? The Steiner/ Barfield understanding (which I share) is that this change is divinely driven, part of God's plan.

17 December 2022 at 07:16

Blogger william arthurs said...

Another book reference. Michael Oakeshott's On Human Conduct has a go (pp 234 ff) at tracing the disposition of individuality back to the Renaissance and its mediaeval antecedents. It was codified at the French revolution and in the US Declaration of Independence but that is a different matter -- they were describing an existing disposition of character.

17 December 2022 at 18:25