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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger agraves said...

Yes, knowing what we must do and doing it are very different things. As an example let's take the current craze of online pornography and all that goes with it. Many people realize this is damaging on many levels but try as they may they cannot stop from using it. They seem almost powerless to stop for more than a brief time. I think that there are spiritual entities involved with the porno culture that attach themselves to people and prod them on when they want that energy. The entities are quite influential. This applies to all areas of our culture, many see what is wrong and yet are compelled to continue destructive behavior. Since people are generally unaware of the presence of negative spirits influencing them they seek psychiatric help to overcome these attachments. The effectiveness of these therapies is quite limited, in fact leading people to think abhorrent behavior is normal. In short negative spirits are strongly affecting our society and I am not sure there is a solution, we may not go back to find what was lost.

14 April 2024 at 01:59

Anonymous Epimetheus said...

Well, if it is negative spirits, the solution would be to cast them out using supernatural power & authority. The New Testament has a great deal to say about this, all of it embarrassing to the modern mind, but perhaps it should be taken far more seriously. The institutions that produced and certified shamans and priest have fallen, and the existing real ones are so few in number, that people would need to become self-made exorcists, casting out their own demons. I've been experimenting with this myself.

Perhaps this is not in Dr. Charlton's wheelhouse, but it's of a piece with do-it-yourself theology.

18 April 2024 at 00:30