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Blogger whiteknight32be said...

What is right. That may be the very best (and maybe only) way to decide how to act, personally, as well as on any other (larger) scale.

It "is" a very difficult subject in my opinion, because "what is right" often changes over time and place (different cultures, era's...). And of course just about everybody will beleiev what "they" think is "right".

A few centuries ago, cannibalism was culturally accepted and "normal" in Fiji. But was it also "right", even there and then? Who would decide on that? Many such examples exist.

Is there a way to define "what is right", in either a general way or at least for more people at once?

6 September 2023 at 11:46

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@w - I don't really feel much of a genuine moral pressure to decide upon what was right and wrong for societies in other places or in the past. Such opinions can only be based upon very indirect, and perhaps biased/ false - information; and crude classifications. I can say how I would feel, as I am now, in that situation - but what is that perspective really worth?

What is right changes in some ways, and not in others! It changes necessarily due to changes in human consciousness, and to other innate physical and mental differences - but in some ways it stays constant.

The only way to bridge such gaps is by love and personal/ experiential engagement - plus, of course, being on the right side in the spiritual war of this world!

Anyone on the wrong side, the side against God and divine creation - would make wrong judgments whatever the time or place!

6 September 2023 at 12:38