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Blogger The Great and Powerful Oz said...

There are quite a few miracles in the annals of Buddhism as well.

28 April 2013 at 07:10

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

GPO - Bloom is not arguing specifically for Christianity - he is a Jew - and he is using miracles and revelation in a fairly loose sense; but his main point is extremely important.

In criticizing other religions and denominations than their own, many/ most people deploy arguments which would destroy their own religion/ denomination if consistently applied.

In the case of Mormonism, and the claims of Joseph Smith other Christians who reject Mormonism often begin from the assumption that real miracles and real revelations are impossible - and that some other explanation must therefore be true; yet of course such an assumption would also destroy Christianity.

e.g. A famous biography of Joseph Smith (by Fawn M Brody) seems to have been written *from* the assumption that 'supernatural' explanations are ruled-out a priori; and therefore to have explained everything naturalistically and psychologically - but then to have presented the results of this assumption as if they constituted a *discovery* that the supernatural claims had been falsified!

(This is, perhaps, the most frequent logical error of humans, especially intellectuals, to present an assumption as an empirical finding. It is the reason why scientists, especially biologists, are so often atheists - science rules-out divine explanations as an assumption of science; but scientists learn this assumption as a habit, and mistake it for a discovery of science.)

28 April 2013 at 08:03