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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

"Unseen Warfare"

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Anonymous Bill said...

However, modernity can explain being nasty to other people only in terms of selfishly pursuing one's own gratification at the expense of others - which is something we all do, to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore evil - even Hitler - is seen as relative and quantitative: the evil are those who are the least altruistic and the most selfish.

This is, in some ways, unfair and, in other ways, too generous to modernity. Insofar as it exists, evil, to a secular modern, is the personality characteristic of the taking of pleasure specifically from inflicting involuntary suffering or death on others or in acts which, by their nature, must inflict involuntary suffering or death on others. Thus, Hitler, serial killers, child molesters are the apotheosis of evil for secular moderns.

Secular moderns don't really ask people to practice altruism or self-denial. People with the wrong preferences are to be hated, imprisoned, etc specifically because they are not expected to pursue altruistic self-denial.

One can see this lack of expectation in many places. One currently topical one is homosexuality. Moderns react almost as if they do not understand the idea of a person with same sex attraction deciding not to act on their desires. Or as if they have grave difficulty with the idea of the distinction generally between sin and temptation.

14 September 2010 at 13:43