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Blogger Jack said...

The Ahrimanic work culture is an enormous part of it. People accept soul-crushing drudgery as the essence of life, even going so far as to see dissenters from this view as childish and immature. This crushes the self-confidence and self-appreciation essential to creativity.

I see it in my mum, who is always happiest whenever she's doing something creative but ends up putting herself down with meaningless, arbitrary perfectionism & holding herself to external standards; and is constantly depressed by the thought that soon she'll have to go back to exhausting herself at work, which gives her a bleak view of life in general.

Creativity is still possible even in the conditions of an industrial and post-industrial society, however. I have a poetry collection called Iron Moon, English translations of contemporary poetry written by Chinese workers; despite its mostly bleak subject matter, the energy and quality of the poetry is excellent. And this in the midst of one of the most aggressively Ahrimanic societies.

17 November 2022 at 13:31

Blogger Jack said...

Speaking of creativity, and poetry in particular, reading your post today inspired me to finish off this little poem. It's something of a Brexit and anti-EU poem, though still topical/relevant as it describes the European situation as it stands. I've put it in a presentable image form you can see here—

The figure in the background is Concordia...
My poem isn't fantastic literarily speaking, but I think it's enjoyable enough and has a deeper meaning than is first apparent.

17 November 2022 at 21:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@J - I don't mean creativity to be understood in the restricted sense that is usual - arts and sciences etc.; which are very much concerned with material manifestations for public consumption.

Ultimately, creativity means something much more like thinking from our true selves - Barfield's Final Participation, or what I term Primary Thinking. It relates essentially to the spirit and divine creation.

17 November 2022 at 21:18

Blogger cae said...

@Bruce - You know, I can totally understand that a person's engagement in/results of "thinking from our true selves"/"Primary Thinking" might likely be something deeply personal or 'between him and God'...

...But honestly, I would be extremely grateful if there were a description, of some particular instance of your own engaging in such "thinking" creativity, which you would be willing to share as a specific example of 'process/results' (so to speak).

Because, while I comprehend the concept in intuitively abstract terms - I simply cannot even imagine the 'how' of 'implementing' this sort of '"true selves", "Primary Thinking" "creativity"' -
- so, even to the slightest degree, some distinct description of a practical nature (the 'doing' of it/what it 'looks' like) would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,

18 November 2022 at 02:37

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Carol - My best advice would be to word-search this blog for these phrases; and see if there is anything among the posts I have already written that helps to clarify things.

18 November 2022 at 05:55