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Anonymous Brandon said...

"the Romantic Movement - which has never yet gone away, nor has its destiny yet been fulfilled."

Could you explain what you mean by "nor has its destiny yet been fulfilled"?

30 April 2016 at 23:53

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Brandon - You could look at this essay

of the book by Owen Barfield called Romanticism comes of Age.

The basic idea was that in the history of Western Man the positivistic age of science and materialism - peaking in the 17th and early 18th centuries - was 'supposed to be' followed, and the alienating split between Man and Nature (later Man and himself) was supposed to be healed, by the human impulse that partially (and distortedly) actually emerged as the Romantic Movement.

In 'What Coleridge Thought' Barfield shows (or at least argues) that this next step was indeed achieved by Coleridge in philosophical terms - but in a scattered, partially implicit and all-but incomprehensible fashion. Barfield was able to recover it, because he has a deep conviction of the same thing, and is linked to Coleridge via the lineage of Steiner, and before him Goethe (who personally lived, but did not theorize, the destiny of Man).

I intend to write more about this.

1 May 2016 at 07:15