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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger jas said...

Do you think the word 'church' does not even exist in the Bible? ie the word 'ecclesia' should be stated as 'gathering' instead. And also in light if the fact that Christ explicitly said there was no rank amongst followers of God?

20 July 2021 at 09:25

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@jas - What I mean is in the link.

20 July 2021 at 10:17

Blogger Ingemar said...

As a Catholic, I of course do not agree with the thesis of this post. Even as I agree that most of what appears to be "Catholicism" has been subsumed into The System, a remnant remains that resists similar such absorption.

Man was made Good from the beginning, fell/falls because of his own motions away from the Good, and can be made Perfect by subsisting in the True Vine who is Jesus Christ. Since that last part is in the Gospel of John, I think you'd appreciate that.

The Church will only no longer be necessary at the consummation of the age but until then, even though it seems that the Ark of Salvation is being battered an taking in water, to jump out is certain death.

21 July 2021 at 05:35

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Ingemar -It hinges on the assumption that Man is the same now as always and everywhere - and acknowledging that this IS an assumption. One thing that makes this time different is that we must consciously choose what we assume - whether we admit it or not.

Trying Not to acknowledge assumptions, trying to keep them unconscious hence spontaneous - has been eroded and eroded across the generations.

This has happened - Men have changed; the question is why. I assume that profound, international, sustained changes in Men's minds are divinely-driven - could not happen unless God willed it.

wrt Fourth Gospel - extremely few Christians are prepared to acknowledge that the shape and nature of Christianity hinges upon what status is given the Fourth Gospel (assuming, as I do, that it is valid). At some unknown point it was decided and adopted that the Fourth Gospel was to be subordinated to the Synoptics (and the Epistles).

This ought to be an obvious fact; but it is not just denied that the Fourth is subordinated; but it is denied even that there are any assumptions that are, and must be, made about how to read the Bible - whether as a whole and equally, or on what hierarchical basis.

This business of denying the assumptions we are, as a matter of fact, making - has rendered Christianity helpless against the modernist consciousness (and leftism).

Modern Roman Catholics think as moderns, but deny the fact - hence they have (mostly) lost their faith; or it is so feeble as to accept church closure and withdrawal of the sacraments for months - or forever if the global establishment/ Magisterium says so.

21 July 2021 at 07:34