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Anonymous Skarp-hedin said...

Anselm's Fides Quaerens Intellectum seems similar to me.

Of course, you and I aren't Catholic. Or ultra-montanists. And his correction while perhaps (probably? certainly?) from the Holy Spirit/Ghost, was clearly mediated by Scripture and Tradition and his superiors.

Still, I think the idea that knowledge (of anything) has to be "conditioned" by our Faith is True.

That Truth (what we seek) can't be anything other than in accordance with our Faith.

So, Faith is the ground and means by which Truth is discerned/discovered.

I only mention this because it seems the answer to "are we doing this right?"

If we are doing it Faithfully, then yes. I suppose?

30 August 2023 at 02:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Skarp - Yes, but I am thinking in terms of the question of what replaces "the church" as a partner in *developing* a (valid) Christian faith - in a world where it seems almost everybody and certainly every institution is (overall) on the other side.

30 August 2023 at 06:37

Blogger whiteknight32be said...

It is what I named "The Road Least Traveled", elsewhere on this blog.

Finding a partner - person or institution - is most likely nowadays almost impossible; not really worth "waiting" (or striving) for.

It can be better to "going it alone". If and/or when a potential partner comes along, then GREAT, be happy about it and continue together. Yet as far as I can tell, this is a pretty rare occasion nowadays.

2 September 2023 at 13:59