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Blogger Crosbie said...

I disregard the 'simulations'. I find it hard to give credence to anyone who gives those credence. As I understand it, many of the 'observed effects' have been dishonest. Still, the idea that an increased level of atmospheric carbon dioxide *could* be warming us seems possible to me. Am I making an error?

Of course I can see lots of reasons to lie about the effect of burning coal and hydrocarbons too.

6 July 2017 at 03:44

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@C - The claims are that the earth's climate can be predicted for many years ahead - which is false; and that the earth's future climate can be controlled by Man - which is insane nonsense.

Or, at least, the Climate Change movement would be false, insane nonsense if it really was motivated by 'science' - but of course it isn't; as is obvious.

6 July 2017 at 06:10

Blogger Crosbie said...

Thank you. That was a genuine question by the way. I didn't mean for it to come over as a challenge.

6 July 2017 at 14:30

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@C - The topic is usually tendentiously 'framed' in ways that distract from the outrageous and clear wrongness of what is assumed - so it is useful to remind ourselves, from time to time, what the Anthropogenic Global Warming people are actually claiming to know and be able to do.

6 July 2017 at 14:39