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Blogger Avro G said...

“Discussion of the Mandela Effects seems to arise from a profound dissatisfaction at the destructive violence that our bureaucratic-mass media and totalitarian world is doing to both our basic humanity and freedom, and furthermore our spiritual nature and destiny.”

You discussed in the linked piece on the ME how k*ndle books are altered without your consent. It was this kind of possibility that freaked me out back when m****soft began informing me that my magick chip box had been “updated” overnight without so much as a by your leave. You mean they can get into my house via the inter net and rearrange my stuff? And really they don’t even have to tell me.

And now the plan is to periodically “update” US.

“But I have a soul!”

“No, no - that’s” (as y.n. h*rari might put it) “fake news.”

No need for a memory hole in our new demoni-topia. We’ll have a regularly and remotely “updated” mandela effect.

1 July 2023 at 09:35

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Avro - Good points - and they are reasons why I feel that we each need a conscious and deliberate strategy of inner reflection which is rooted-in (but not restricted-to) 'sources' independent of all external communications.

In other words we need to become aware of our innate intuitive faculty, the divine within, and our direct relationship with the Holy Ghost.

Since these are what God has equipped us with in the created-world as it actually-is and despite whatever specific situation we find ourselves in; we can all be confident that they are enough to keep us on the right path - so long as our motivations are genuine.

1 July 2023 at 10:45

Anonymous Mia said...

It's I believe an atheist film, but Dark City comes to mind as the ultimate example of ME: an evil or at least indifferent to good alien race erases and replaces human memories in an attempt to erase and replace the human soul/will/core identity/beingness and fails because ultimately we are more than the sum of our memories, whether those are real or fake. Is a benevolent form of this happening? Is widespread mental decline meant to remove the false god of Enlightenment-style "reason" and make room again for the spiritual?

1 July 2023 at 15:00