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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous Mia said...

You've talked before about the automatic immersion in the spiritual in childhood. I never experienced that that I can recall. I desperately wanted magic to be real but "tested" it many times and "knew" it was not. But I did for all of childhood experience this type of obedience, where it was not so much that I was choosing to obey but that I could not conceive of the option of disobeying. If that type of consciousness existed for Abraham, Jacob, etc., their whole lives, that really illuminates a lot of the moral strangeness of the OT. No question we would be evaluated according to a much different standard today , per your prior post.

16 January 2023 at 15:43

Anonymous Allenford said...

A beautiful, motivating post, Bruce. Just what I needed to read, and re-read, in order to begin to move more consistently in a direction that is in harmony with God's creative work.

16 January 2023 at 16:15

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Mia - I am sure that it varies between people (and perhaps between generations), and clearly some individuals remember more than others; but I should make clear I am talking about the earliest remembered childhood - aged about 3 or 4; after which the spiritual immersion ebbs away.

@Allenford - Thank you.

16 January 2023 at 17:10

Blogger cae said...

@Mia & Dr. Charlton - My experience of childhood was very similar to Mia's, though I grew up truly believing that 'magic must surely exist' despite never experiencing anything 'magical'...

And here's the thing - I very clearly remember back to quite early in childhood, almost to infancy, with confirmation from my parents of events going back to the time right around my first birthday.

As well, having been a live in nanny for several families, raising children right from infancy, and then raising my own daughter, I can't say I ever even witnessed anything describable as "spiritual immersion" in those children - though, perhaps it is a 'state of being' not easily recognized by those not 'looking for it'?

I mean, certainly my experience of very young children is that (for the most part) they are uniquely delightful, especially from the point that they can clearly communicate...but I'm not sure that equates to what you're describing as "spiritual immersion".

18 January 2023 at 18:21

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Carol - It may be you are looking for something other than what I am intending. I have always seen this in all children I have encountered.

Furthermore, it is almost standard in the psychology of child development, and in anthropologists who discuss animism or 'the primitive mind' - they equate the world view of early childhood with aspects of hunter-gatherer psychology.

Maybe that is a better clue to what I mean - the world view that sees everything as alive, sentient, conscious? The child is 'immersed' in a world of relationships between 'beings' with intentions, each with different natures.

'In' this world, and not separate from it; because the child knows what the other beings are 'thinking' - and the beings know what the child is 'thinking'.

18 January 2023 at 18:29

Anonymous ben said...

I don't have great autobiographical memory but I remember greater states of participation. I agree that nostalgia is memory of a state of greater participation. It's like everything's richer, the reds are redder, the blues are bluer... everything is more like itself. Everything is experienced with reference to everything else, everything means something to everything else.

Maybe the explanation is an accumulation of ahrimanic evil, which happens as people materialize (thereby becoming more receptive to ahrimanic evil). In earlier times, people would've been different so as to not produce as much ahrimanic evil/or different so as to produce more Good desirable substance or both.

As I'm writing this, I'm thinking this new modern inversion type of evil might be even more grievous to reality-participation than ahrimanic. As though reality decoheres around impossible/inverse claims. I have a hard time 'seeing' perverse/inverse thinkers (leftists)... maybe their unreality is flowing out into the world around them.

18 January 2023 at 18:56