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Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Comment from Jared:

"What a great quote. And equally good post about it and the ... problem.
Being of a positive outlook by nature and temperament, I inform my viewpoint by reading and listening to those who are able to look at the other side of things.
My own experience with the negative and problems in life in general, is that it's kind of like the arcade 'whack-a-mole' where if you succeed on putting one mole down, another one will pop up and it's easy to miss problems we need to solve.
I think it's not good to be too naive. That being said, I think Heavenly Father loves each of us. My belief is that this means that he will guide us to those things that will be for our best good in the long run. What that means in this ... problem I don't know, but I think if we adjust our lives in a way that we are able to live out true Christian principles during this time, our experiences will help us reach our goal."

23 March 2020 at 06:49