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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Francis Berger said...

Well put. I admire the clarity of this post, particularly in the last three sentences.

I spent a great portion of my adult life moving my body into situations in the hope that I would eventually find the sort of externals that thought would solve my problems. When I lived in the US, I observed that sort of body-moving comprises a large part of what it means to be an American. Always on the road or pining to be on the road, looking for that elusive place in that vast country where all problems would be solved . . . and never finding it.

I guess the big question is, how can men be motivated to spend even ten minutes seriously and consecutively thinking about their core assumptions concerning reality?

Such motivation cannot be imposed externally. It can, perhaps, be triggered externally, but the bulk of the work must come from within.

It often strikes me as a kind of freedom very few wish to approach.

9 September 2023 at 19:18

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - The real "Matrix" is in our basic assumptions; not in The System.

Or rather, it is The System that creates an immersive conceptual environment, to which the masses willingly surrender.

It is because the Matrix/ System rests on choices (evil must be invited) - and that then the made-choices are denied - which makes it so hard to imagine many people discovering a way out - despite that the way out is open to everyone.

9 September 2023 at 21:57