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Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

C. S. Lewis talks about these three phases -- which he terms enchanted, disenchanted, and reinchanted -- in his essay "Talking About Bicycles."

22 June 2015 at 07:07

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@WmJas - And no doubt he got the idea from the same place as I did! - Owen Barfield.

22 June 2015 at 07:56

Blogger John Fitzgerald said...

I think this is Susan's problem in The Last Battle - not that she's refused entry to Heaven by a harsh God, but that she in a sense excludes herself by becoming fixated on the trappings of youth - "lipstick, nylons", etc. She's lost touch with her 'Narnian' childhood while barring herself from the restored innocence which mature adulthood offers. 'Some day you will be old enough to read fairy tales again'" as Lewis writes to his god-daughter in the inscription to The Lion.

22 June 2015 at 08:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JF - Yes, that would fit.

22 June 2015 at 13:29

Blogger ted said...

David Bentley Hart says "wisdom is the recovery of innocence at the far end of experience."

22 June 2015 at 19:37

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ted - Good quote - but DBH never struck me as himself innocent and childlike... is he?

22 June 2015 at 20:16

Blogger ted said...

I don't know him personally and find him to be a tad academic in his online talks, but his recent book was well written in this regard.

22 June 2015 at 20:21