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Blogger John Rockwell said...

''And there is no sex - indeed there are no sexes: maleness and femaleness are lost.''

I think a good basis is that since believers will be like the angels. Sex given that marriage is non-existent in heaven is irrelevant hence the sexual dimorphism associated will also be irrelevant.

16 October 2015 at 13:29

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Jr - Yes, that is the usual Classical Theological interpretation of scripture.

My feeling is that too much weight in paced on specific Biblical passages which are ambiguous - whereas the general tenor of Christianity, its overall 'message' is that the self, the fundamental 'personality' - including the body, is preserved after resurrection. Christianity (passim, throughout the Bible) is all about a personal God having a loving (hence personal) relationship with individual persons. Given that sexuality and sex are so fundamental a part of our 'selves' I think this entails (or strongly implies) that sex is retained after death.

And this also applies to angels - but of course that depends on how angels are envisaged - what kind of creature they are in their nature.

I do not see angels as a separate creation, but as Men at different phases of pre- and post-mortal life.

In addition, although not entailed by the above considerations, as I accept Mormon theology, I also believe that sex precedes mortal life and is indeed probably eternal both before and after mortal life. i.e. People always were and always will be either a man or a woman in their immortal souls.

In sum, I interpret the doctrine of unsexed post-mortal existence as something read-into Christianity by Classical Philosophers who regarded sexuality and sex (and reproduction) as a lower kind of thing, something which should be transcended during theosis; and therefore they could not imagine Heaven to contain men and women. This 'prejudice' of the intellectual theologians got woven into Christian theology in the post-Apostolic era and we were stuck with it! - until the Mormon Restoration.

But I would hazard a guess that most ordinary Christians have (implicitly, inarticulately perhaps) always simply assumed that both angels and resurrected Men were either Male or Female but not sex-less.

16 October 2015 at 14:13

Blogger Nathaniel said...

@John -

The Mormons have an alternative and intelligible explanation to that passage:

19 October 2015 at 14:59