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Blogger a_probst said...

"...there has always been something."

A few years ago, I came to a similar conclusion by a different train of thought. It occurred to me that 'nothingness' and 'non-existence', where the physical world is concerned, are only human constructs, generated by the childhood experience that something-or-other is gone, when in truth the 'vanished' item has simply changed form.

'The cookies/biscuits are gone.' No, they are in people's stomachs being digested. 'That restaurant no longer exists.' The owner and employees are working elsewhere, retired, or dead; the building is used by another tenant or has been torn down and its materials reused or chucked in a dump.

"The phrase For we are not limited in any way that matters was very striking and memorable to me - it's hard to explain why."

For one thing, he does not assume the Omni-God.

I know you've referred to the Greek philosophical underpinnings of the Omni-God idea, but it occurs to me that to the rare individuals who have had a more direct experience of God while in their mortal coils, He probably seems omnipotent and omniscient compared with us mortals. In trying to convey the experience in words, they can't help but pile on the superlatives.

25 February 2022 at 08:48

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ap - I agree with your last comment; and that kind of thing doesn't do harm.

What does do harm is to be so captured by an abstract philosophical definition that you allow it to become primary and mandatory, and to dictate the shape of Christianity.

25 February 2022 at 14:51

Blogger Dave Bagwill said...

There is as far as I know, no justification for the idea that time is infinite to the past, or that everything that is has existed 'forever' in some form of matter or 'quantum foam' or whatever the next flight of fancy tells us. To the contrary, there are hard science findings and hard logical analyses that show the impossibility of infinite time, or 'eternal' existence of matter/energy.
The increasing number of Physicists who are committed to the 'Big Bang' recognize that there was a point at which a creation-type event happened. They are often loathe to call the Cause 'God' - and in fact some of them state flatly that they resisted the Big-Bang theory on the basis that it implies an actual Creator - not a Demiurge.

I do believe that the creation ex nihilo question is one of science and logic, not one that can be reasoned away.

25 February 2022 at 17:54

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@DB - Well, no. All science has metaphysical assumptions within-which it operates. Therefore science cannot confirm or refute metaphysics.

Metaphysical assumptions sneak in everywhere, unnoticed. For example - time:

25 February 2022 at 20:04

Blogger Dave Bagwill said...

Metaphysical presuppositions, of course - and those that have allowed science to flower and to grow civilization. And downsides as well, of course - Hiroshima.

But Bruce, there are FACTS. If we cannot agree on that - that there is extra-mental Reality (not just metaphysics) - well, if we are immune to facts - things in the shared world not just in our heads - then our arguments are based on nothing but monadic mental fabrications.

So the demiurge theory - which is a speculation, admittedly - should be open to being challenged not by metaphysics, but by shared reality.

Reality is more than semantics. I have a feeling that you and I cannot agree on what a fact is, though. Facts are troublesome, and avoiding them takes a lot of words.

It's strange that I can profit much from some of your writing, but come to a loggerhead at this point. Is what it is, I reckon.

25 February 2022 at 20:19

Anonymous Alexeiprofi said...

Nonexistence cannot exist, therefore something

25 February 2022 at 20:43

Anonymous Alexeiprofi said...

Chris Langan says that it's impossible for nothing to be origin of reality, because nothingness requires restrictions on potential. So in the beginning there was potential (Unbound Telesis)

25 February 2022 at 20:47

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@DB - It depends on how much you have thought about this. Maybe a specific example would help:

25 February 2022 at 21:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@A - Langan is on the right side in the spiritual war - although I find his metaphysics to be too abstract. Politically, he has much more faith in the goodness of the masses than I do.

26 February 2022 at 07:02