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Anonymous john said...

Either the enda justifies the means or the means the ends. So by saying ends justifies the means was a fallacy everyone created the opposite means justifies the ends which is the real fallacy. Of course the ends justifies the means because the end is what matters. Ther real end though not the goal, but what actually ends up being the end.

29 August 2022 at 18:38

Anonymous Nate Winchester said...

Or one might say the ends (results) judge the means.

Removing ends leaves insanities like one who shoves an old lady in front of a bus and one who shoves an old lady out of the bus' path are the same because the end doesn't matter, only that both shoved old ladies. Some will try to argue motivations but the simple fact is that one can only know thine own mind. We have no way of knowing for sure what either person's motivation was, only what the end of their action is.

Communism is a crafty heresy as I've seen it argued both ways. Some will say the resulting utopia is worth the millions dead. I've also seen others say that to bring up the dead is to judge the means by the end, therefore they will continue to strive to socialism because it is the only just and right means - no matter what the actual end results are.

29 August 2022 at 23:08

Anonymous Epimetheus said...

Unhinged demonic psychopathy everywhere. Mass spiritual cannibalism and psychological torture. The entire West seems to be in a codependent relationship with the System ie. Satan. It's unbelievable.

30 August 2022 at 02:40

Blogger a_probst said...


30 August 2022 at 04:43

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Just to clarify - means and ends can be distinguished but can't actually be separated, because they are different aspects of having chosen to be on the side of God and creation. Therefore one cannot pursue good ends using evil means, nor vice versa.

30 August 2022 at 11:26