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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Restitutor Orbis said...

I'm a long-time reader of your blog but I've mostly just lurked. Posting today because I was delighted to see you tied D&D alignments into the Ahrimanic-Sorathic distinction, and I'm a professional D&D nerd.

If Ahrimanic Evil is Lawful evil, and Sorathic evil is Chaotic Evil, what is Luciferian evil? Neutral Evil? Or is it Chaotic Good, in that it breaks God's Laws without necessarily seeking Evil ends?

Many years ago I penned an essay equating D&D alignments to real-world philosophies wich you can find here:

My conclusion was that Lawful equated to Deontological; Neutral to Aretological; and Chaotic to Consequential; while Good was Altruist; Neutral balanced Altruist and Egoist; and Evil was Egoist without consideration for others.

20 March 2021 at 22:16

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@RO - This may be or interest

Actually, I can't make much deep sense of 'neutral' evil - but if it is maximum selfishness with just enough cooperation to optimize this over the medium term; then maybe it could indeed be regarded as Luciferic. e.g. An alliance of hedonists cooperating to exploit their situation, to become more effective hedonic parasites - like some of the sexual revolution lobby groups.

21 March 2021 at 06:57

Blogger Restitutor Orbis said...

Thanks for the response! I agree with your assessment of the alignment of the orcs.

I am a tabletop role-playing game designer ("Adventurer Conqueror King System") so it's a delight to see one of my favorite bloggers opine on D&D.

22 March 2021 at 07:56

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@RO - Most of what I know of D&D is from my son - who is DM for two games, and studies game mechanics etc. I participated in a few brief family games - and read Appendix N by Jeffro Johnson - but essentially my knowledge comes secondhand through detailed conversations over the years.

22 March 2021 at 09:12