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Blogger Francis Berger said...

I believe what you have outlined here is true. For example, Berdyaev was persecuted by not one, but two regimes -- Tsarist/Orthodox and Bolshevik -- but he survived them both. Dostoevsky was also sentenced to death at one point, but his execution was stayed at the last moment and he was sentenced to four years of hard labor instead. History is filled with many similar examples.

7 April 2022 at 09:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - Good examples - and both also make clear that courage is required. Christians can survive, faith intact, and (presumably) both grow in faith and attain resurrected life eternal - but that does Not mean that this mortal life will be optimally comfortable for everybody.

At the same time, what will actually happen to any particular person is very varied - and not predictable; because contingent on others, and our own faith and courage.

7 April 2022 at 09:25

Blogger Ann K. said...

Should be no surprise that the Divine is able to “navigate” that which He created.

7 April 2022 at 12:40

Blogger Ann K. said...

For real Christian courage, read accounts from Russia’s catacomb church from the 1920s-40s:

7 April 2022 at 12:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Anne K - "Should be no surprise that the Divine is able to “navigate” that which He created."

It isn't a surprise - nonetheless the workings of providence are neither simple nor straightforward due to the multiplicity of human (and other Being) choices that go into the mix.

FYI - At the same time as that version of Russia's Catacomb Saints was posted, I also hosted a copied book (at the request of the ROCOR person who was doing this archiving).

7 April 2022 at 13:07