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Blogger Lucinda said...

I think it is worth noting that the sexual revolution merely shifted female submission rather than eliminating it. Women did not become independent, rather dependent on something far less reliable.

Basically, humans are creatures of submission. Women submit to social consensus, men submit to sexual necessity (by which I mean they need to find a way to reproduce constrained by feminine disinterest and selectivity enforced by groups).

The only escape from submission to these things is by submission to God the Father, who wants us to be free and creatively powerful, and God the Mother, who wants us to be in good relationships. Good relationships are not less important than freedom, but they do come after freedom, because a good relationship must be a free association.

Generally speaking, a woman has no ability in herself to properly prioritize freedom until her anti-freedom relationship planning has proven to make things worse for relationships, especially with her children. This is the basis for my belief that feminine goals are secondary, meaning coming after, despite the gamble it is, especially for the woman. Because the man-woman relationship is mainly a masculine goal if properly executed, by freedom and discernment. The mother-child relationship, the feminine analog*, is a matter of submission and faith in the unseen, by it's nature. Male and female are in opposition, probably from before the beginning, in their real selves. It is a beauty of creation that God enables us to create something wonderful out of this opposition.

*I use the word "analog" because I don't believe women are goal or creation-oriented perse, rather relationship-oriented. Women take up goals and creation as a necessity for relationships. This may sound like gibberish though, given modern assumptions.

18 May 2022 at 15:00

Blogger Sean said...

I'm not sure I follow yet. Is there some text missing at the end of the 7th paragraph (that starts, "The destiny of individual mortal men and women is a different question...")?

You said "Thus woman/ the feminine is Not subordinate to man/ masculine - both are absolutely spiritually necessary." Are you saying this in a spiritual sense? Because it seems clear that in a physical sense, in earthly marriages, man is set in a position of authority over the woman. But Paul does say that "there is neither male nor female... for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Seems to me that God has given men and women a physical hierarchy for our earthly lives but men and women are equal in spiritual potential to be children of God. Is that what you're referring to?

Christ said "the resurrected will neither marry nor be given in marriage." I've always understood this to mean that though we may be married in this life, we will all be individual resurrected beings in the next.

You said we will not become de-sexed or a single sex. I'm thinking if I extend your thought process a little, that a man and a woman joined together in marriage (properly, a spiritual covenant), would perhaps become the two parts of a spiritual dyad, similar to God Himself? That would make some sense to me, given that God "made man in His image" and that when we are resurrected "we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is."

18 May 2022 at 16:01

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Sean - I've deleted the surplus words.

Rather than try to answer you point by point - I shall speak plainly, but I don't intend to be aggressive!

I would just say that you are doing exactly what I say we cannot do! which is to adopt beliefs in accordance with external authority - in which you are being guided by unacknowledged assumptions.

For instance, you quote bible verses as if all Bible verses were necessarily literally true - presumably on the basis that you have been told by some external authority (a church, a theologian...) that this is how the Bible ought properly to be read, and this is how @a Christian' ought to construct his understanding and belief. But that is precisely what I am challenging - and which I regard as a possible pathway to error and damnation!

As for a man and woman in marriage - this is certainly one possibility. But there are many incarnate souls born into this world - some don't get out of the womb, some die as children, some suffer handicap or disease - and there are many types and personalities. Each man and woman is an unique soul, who is put into this life with an unique destiny.

So marriage is just one possibility - albeit a broadly-natural and biologically necessary one - at a social level - and therefore appropriate to be given special societal emphasis and status.

18 May 2022 at 18:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Lucinda - Humans may have been legitimate creatures of submission in the past - but as-of-now that would (surely?) be lethal much of the time; unless there was a prior and ultimate individual discernment about "what was submitted-to" - and the possibility kept open of not submitting except to a judged-worthy person/ group.

18 May 2022 at 19:34

Blogger Lucinda said...

I wanted to clarify this statement: "the feminine analog*, is a matter of submission and faith in the unseen". I mean an interest in a new relationship with a child whom she doesn't know but who will rule a part of her heart in many ways for the rest of her life, even eternally.

18 May 2022 at 22:52

Anonymous ben said...

I wonder if Ron and Hermione become 'better' in contact with each other or at certain times of contact. In the manner of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale with the plates, and Jesus and Mary Magdalene at Cana. Also George and the Princess vs the Dragon. Maybe there are other examples of this.

19 May 2022 at 01:16

Blogger Lucinda said...

Further thinking on this:

A number of years ago, I realized how unhappy the female hivemind was making me, because I was making choices that made me an outsider and uncooperative. Initially, I tried to break free from the hivemind, I emulated the men around me that seemed content in their outsider status. This was merely a superficial fix, a play-act. At some point I thought, what if there is a female hivemind of women from generations gone by, women who loved motherhood, appreciated men as husbands, valued their own nurturing nature, problem-solved with the idea that relationships are primary. This has worked for me, for the most part. I've been able to put aside the degrading modern-woman hivemind, without needing to put aside the feminine perspective altogether, or even at all.

20 May 2022 at 15:52