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Blogger lgude said...

Well said. When I came to Australia in 1976 I borrowed a small B&W TV from the media centre and found myself hypnotised by Cricket. The bowler caught my eye right away - it was the way he put his back into it that told me I was watching what appeared to me to be an extraordinary athlete. And I wasn't wrong - it was Dennis Lillie and I was hooked. Although I spent hours in the nets bowling at my two sons I never got past what one colleague, charitably called 'medium pace'. I particularly love the long gruelling hours of test cricket, the field placements, the necessity for sustained concentration and balance that challenges the deeper aspect of character. But the recent cheating fiasco in the series between Australia and South Africa revealed the miscreants as having no character at all - and exemplars of the level to which men have fallen. The young men who recently flocked to Jordan Peterson here in Australia to thank him for turing their lives around know instinctively that his injunction to tell the truth and take responsibility is just what is so desperately needed.

15 April 2018 at 16:11

Blogger Crosbie said...

Are you able to say what took you to Kirkcudbright?

15 April 2018 at 17:07

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Crosbie - Just taking a look around. My grandmother's cousin, twice removed (sounds remote, but these were our Northern Irish relations - who are clannish), used to farm nearby - and we had stayed there when I was a kid.

15 April 2018 at 18:32

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Igude - I find it hard to be sure whether it is cricket, or myself, that has changed - but I think it is cricket. An indefinable charm has all-but gone from it - at least in the professional game. Although the current problems were building, there was a last flowering which I witnessed with great players like Lara, Tendulkar, Dravid, Murali, Warne, Kumble, Donald, Pollock, Walsh. The current crop just don't match up - especially not the bowlers - although the English later produced our only recent greats among bowlers with Swann and Anderson. At present - the spirit of cricket is supposed to be guarded by the ICC, which is a corrupt and faceless bureaucracy. The MCC - for all its faults - was composed of real people who cared for the game. But really, it's just the way that *all* large institutions have incrementally gone over recent decades. The disenchantment of the world, as Weber termed it...

15 April 2018 at 18:47

Blogger John Fitzgerald said...

That 1992 series v Pakistan was utterly compelling, with Waqar Younis and Wasim Akram tormenting England with blistering speed and late swing. Another highlight for me that series was a nuggetty 73 by a recalled David Gower at Headingley to win that Test for England. I think that was the last time he represented his country as he absurdly wasn't selected for the winter tour of India.

I started watching and listening to cricket in the late 70s. I used to find watching it on TV quite a meditative activity as the commentators would often leave large gaps between speaking, just letting the game unfold. That's all gone now - too many ex-player, former captain alpha males in the commentary box all trying to outdo each other. Radio was particulatly evocative when I was a kid. There's not so many chararactrts on air now.

The 90s was a phenomenal era of Test Match bowling. Apart from England and New Zealand, every team had at least two all time greats. Any batsman who made runs in that era was undoubtedly a true great. It was unfortunate for Graeme Hick that he was catapulted into the England team and presented as a saviour at that time. He'd make a 50 every innings now.

I've still got hope though. There's an inherent quality to the game that leaps up and hits you between the eyes when you least expect it.

16 April 2018 at 09:21

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@John - "There's an inherent quality to the game that leaps up and hits you between the eyes when you least expect it."

Indeed, for example the last two England NZ series have been far better cricket than the adjascent Ashes series - indeed the last NZ series in England (two tests and the ODIs taken together) was second only to the 2005 Ashes among my personal favourites. It encapsulated the spirit of the game.

16 April 2018 at 09:27

Blogger lgude said...

@Bruce et al. I think i have changed too because game after game that held my attention has lost interest to me as I have aged and learned about what it means to do God's will rather than my own. At their best sports are metaphors for that great work but once one has seriously embarked upon it I think the fascination of sports fades. But I agree that Cricket has changed and is subject to the same evils as our other institutions which this blog so usefully reminds us. Still I would be far more inclined to watch a test match if the game had not lost so much of its integrity.

16 April 2018 at 10:32

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Igude - the other factor, so obvious I almost forgot, is dilution. With cable TV cricket is no longer a Summer Game, nor is it just a matter of watching England playing at home; supplemented by listening to cricket abroad, on the radio. Some of my most memorable cricket experiences have been listening on the radio, and visualising the situation. Plus, there was a hunger for seeing cricket, live and in real time, that was powerful by the spring - but now there is no fasting period to offset it.

16 April 2018 at 11:11