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Anonymous JP said...

Collapse would destroy Leftism. It would eliminate the media, government, and the university system. It would eliminate birth control and feminism, thus solving the "fertile women not breeding" problem (though billions would die, a different kind of demographic problem). It would eliminate democracy and the leaders who need to pander to women and minorities in the name of "equality".

If a type of Christianity clearly lacks these (i.e. if it has significantly below replacement fertility, and age structure dominated by the elderly, and is composed mostly of women), I suggest that this is a sign that it has been defeated by Leftism, Leftism has the better of it; and we cannot hope realistically for a Christian revival from such denominations or churches.

The Orthodox Church in the USSR was dominated by the elderly and women, and yet it has revived in Russia, right?

10 August 2015 at 14:27

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JP - Yes, That was what I said - or intended to say. But I am talking about a revival *this side* of collapse, civil war and mass human extinction.

10 August 2015 at 14:35

Anonymous Joseph A. said...

JP, I once heard a Baptist preacher share an observation about church life that I have always remembered -- I think that it is true and that it explains the survival of the Orthodox Church in Soviet Russia. He said that women will keep the ark afloat, but they cannot make it sail. To switch images, pious women can keep the flame of the gospel alive in a certain community, but the active participation of righteous men (or, more accurately, men in the process of becoming righteous) is needed for that flame to grow -- and to set the world on fire (in the good Saint Dominic sort of way, of course!).

11 August 2015 at 06:52

Anonymous Adam G. said...

SSPXers, Mormons, JWs, pentecostals, possibly 7th Day Adventists?

Your point about good departments in bad corporations is well taken, but Catholicism and Orthodoxy both have a structure that in theory would let good parts keep chugging along fairly successfully even if the whole is mostly bad. National churches for the Orthodox and ordinariates and personal prelatures and orders and so on for the Catholics. Probably the key point for those would be to stop seeing themselves as fundamentally on a team with the whole, but instead as the team.

12 August 2015 at 16:51

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Adam - Agreed.

I think Orthodoxy is fine, but it is Eastern not Western, and has shown no significant sign of becoming Western.

I hope you are correct about Roman Catholicism - I really do. But I don't yet see it.

What I see is a delayed recapitulation of the incremental apostasy of Anglicanism (don't forget this *was*, on paper still is, the third largest Christian denomination after RCC and EO)) where the best and perhaps only hope of remaining even partially Christian is schism of the non Western Anglican churches - which does not really help the West.

12 August 2015 at 17:06