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Anonymous dearieme said...

To which I might add: if you ask them a question - or advance an argument - that foxes them, they respond with astonishment and loathing. So emotional do they get that you can often pull off a second coup before they recover to imperturbable bull-shitting mode.

They don't like it up 'em.

21 July 2011 at 13:59

Anonymous Alex said...

Apart from their self-conceit which is indeed irritating, the intellectual elite functions as a Patronage Society. From inside this network of privilege, the members promote and appoint each other to plum jobs etc.

Chris Patten, (Baron Patten), is a pattern of what transpires within the Society. He has been MP for Bath; Minister for Overseas Development; Secretary of State for the Environment; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; Chairman of the Conservative Party; Governor of Hong Kong; member of the European Commission; Chancellor of the University of Oxford; and is now Chairman of the BBC Trust.

Lord Patten may be a very able man, but it's doubtful he would have got his many preferments without being a paid-up member of the PC Club.

21 July 2011 at 14:20

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Alex - He was also Chancellor of the place I work - although I never met him so cannot confirm or refute his membership of the b-uc brigade.

Another type I have met is the charm irradiating type: celebs who are so charming that it is intoxicating, and you forget what you are supposed to be asking them. These people are often very selfish and very bad at their jobs (serially) - yet somehow people don't mind because the charm merchants make them feel so good.

21 July 2011 at 14:48

Blogger The Crow said...

When you meet an ego, you know it.
A foray into the surreal, where one becomes aware that nothing is actually taking place, and this encounter leads to nowhere.
There can be no bridge from the real to the surreal.
No communication, no exchange.
I know a man who epitomizes this. Charming to a fault, and yet one leaves a splendid encounter with the feeling of being robbed. Empty. Confused. What happened there? Well: nothing.

21 July 2011 at 18:39

Anonymous Brett Stevens said...

While I think egomania is part of it, the modern symptom seems to me to be more competitive than anything else.

When you cannot construct anything, really, and must select from what exists, and are thrown in without a hereditary role among millions clamoring for the exact same objective, what results is a "crab bucket": a pile of people trying to climb on top of each other to get to the top.

This is why people use conceit, pretense and ego as -- in my narrow view -- a weapon: they use these things to find a way to be comfortably oblivious while they act selfishly. I think for the most part these are self-preservation instincts, although we do seem to be awash in predator-parasites and sociopaths.

23 July 2011 at 00:03