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Blogger Doktor Jeep said...

The problem with "going back" that I had, in particular with the " our best solution is we go back to the days of Moses and wear robes and sport big beards and live on farms" crowd, is that we already did that, and we're there before. Having been there, we still ended up here. If we go back there, we end up here again.
But meanwhile evil still comes up with newer and better ways. It still evolves forward.
So no. No going back. The past is nearly a score of civilizations collapsing to the same set of mistakes.

22 July 2018 at 14:23

Blogger Nigel Worthington said...

Bruce - On the one hand I agree with you that the culture is evil. On the other hand, I'm not always sure of your meaning when you call something "evil". How do you define evil? Moral evil? If you are talking about moral evil, what do you hold as foundational as a moral philosophy?

23 July 2018 at 14:25

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NW - By evil I mean that which is opposed to good; e.g. subversive or destructive of good, ultimately that which inverts good. That is, evil is an oppositional term, not a thing in itself.

23 July 2018 at 18:46

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NW - Good means aligned with the purpose of God's creation.

24 July 2018 at 06:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@U - Thanks for your comment.

24 July 2018 at 07:59

Blogger Nigel Worthington said...

Bruce - I don't mean to belabor my inquiry, but it's an important question. Nietzsche pointed out over a century ago that philosophies embraced by philosophers were more reflections of the man than reality itself. So I know from reading your blog, you acquire your views on things through some sort of intuitive/meditative process you call primary thinking. All well and good, but that isn't objective at all. I as well have intuitions that are also not objective and I also allow those intuitions to guide my viewpoints to some extent. So what I'm getting at is, how does one know that ones subjective leanings map accurately to the objective real context? Or are we just biased creatures unaware of our own biases? Do you believe there exists objective moral principles (i.e. the golden rule) that we can check ourselves against to avoid buying into an incorrect subjective stance?

24 July 2018 at 13:28

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NW - Nietzsche made the metaphysical assumption that there was no divine - so of course everything then had-to-be a reflection of man.

*All* objective assertions are based on intuition - or else unconsciously adopted from tradition/ upbringing/ society. Not to acknowledge this, is simply an error.

So, to have a coherent discussion on these matters means understanding the assumptions behind them, on which they rest - at the level when they are recognised as assumptions.

24 July 2018 at 16:46

Blogger Andrew said...

What comes next will most likely be the temporary triumph of present evil followed by Christ's return. Living under an eternally righteous king has never happened and fits all your parameters. It is a question of when, not if.

Yes, but I think this misses something crucial. I don't believe Christ will sovereignly, himself, make the Bride ready and then return for it. Rather, before Christ returns he will reveal himself to all through his Sons of God, fully mature Christians, who have, with unprecedented Grace being poured out by God, developed their Spirit so completely that they mirror Jesus's character, achieve transfiguration themselves, and then do amazing signs and wonders, beyond anything even in the Bible. And it is they who will bring in the final harvest and make the Bride ready for the Second Coming. And it all could happen very quickly once it gets started. So evil will continue to grow but God's power will begin to manifest in unprecedented ways along with it.

-Andrew E.

24 July 2018 at 17:26

Blogger Nigel Worthington said...

Bruce, absolutely - that makes sense. Some of the metaphysical philosophies I'm familiar with (Catholic Thomism for example) begin with intuitied "first principles" and then reason from them. So there is an intuition about very basic, general things, like the existence of God or various moral principles and so on. You have made on this blog much more spefic assertions, such as the nature of the state of the soul after death. I suppose I can see how one could arrive at such beliefs through a combination of intuition and reason. Arriving at such conclusions seems to me though, to be risky and fraught with the potential for self-deception and error. So maybe what I'm asking about how you one avoids such errors. Are there correct "first princiiples" that prevent downstream reason/intuition errors?

My intuition tells me that part of the answer is purity of intent. If one sincerely seeks the truth, my suspicion is the door will be opened. That said, one of the most fascinating observations about the world is that so many intelligent, ostensibly sincere individuals arrive at drastically different worldviews and philosophies. As you say I suppose it is all a matter of assumptions. On the other hand my intuition also suggests to me that it seems unlikely that so many people are so drastically wrong due to corruption and impurity of motive. Like the truth is something deeper, possibly beyond the reach of our intutions.

25 July 2018 at 01:08

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NW - Intuition generally works by evaluating the ideas one comes-across; or sets of ideas (at least initially). So I began with deism, theism, then Christianity; then (after about four years) Mormon Christianity, and then I began to take aspects from Arkle, Barfield, Steiner, William Blake... and the process continues. At each stage I weigh intuitively more specific aspects.

25 July 2018 at 06:11