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Blogger Nicholas Fulford said...

There are aspects of how we think - the states we occupy - which can unfold some truly wonderful and creative connections and bring to the surface a bit of the treasure that is deeply buried beneath the normal conscious state.

On my recent hike in Algonquin Park I woke up in the wee hours to listen to the wind singing through the trees. It really did seem to sing, and breath an intricate and ancient song. I sat there listening, and was simply carried by it. It was complex, doleful, delightful and intimate. It was the sound of all of the life in that great forest as a choir - singing.

It was less something that brought back a particular knowledge than a public and intimate expression that played my thoughts, emotions and instincts. I cannot realistically interpret it in symbols as it requires my full engagement; not only my conscious mind filling in gaps with incomplete memories. It reminded me of the scene at the end of Tarkovsky's film "Solaris", where a Bach choral prelude is playing as weeds gently undulate in the water - much as in a similar scene at the beginning of the film. It struck me that life has an intensity to it, a transcendent quality that connects and interconnects across a very wide and deep chasm of the false idea of distinction, alienation and aloneness. There are layers, fugue lines, an astounding tenderness and beauty all normally compressed, tightly bound and all but invisible from the normal perspectives in our artificial human world. But, if you listen there is something stirring beneath the din, and it is a song that once heard is indelibly bound to you.

1 October 2015 at 00:08