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Anonymous stephens said...

The System was built on the availability of lots of cheap energy. I think we are nearing the end of that so it will be severely curtailed going into the future.

Not enough carrying capacity for all the Leftist inefficiency.

That or rapid collapse! Always a possibility.

22 August 2022 at 19:25

Anonymous cecil1 said...

Interesting article.

Honestly, the feeling has grown stronly over the past decade that dong good is what enables this evil system to contine.

Doing good is waht subsidizes and helps hide its excesses, its parasitism, its evil, the harms it does.

The good seems to excuse it and help deomstarate that --see, its not all bad, you're exacggerating the problems

So yeah, I see more and more where is really seems doing good only helps this satanci agenda along in the most gleeful and spiteful manner.

24 August 2022 at 02:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@c1 - One counter example among many. Truth is good: try being truthful about all things, great and small, for one day - then you will see how The System relies on lies/ sin to function.

On the other hand, if people start to sin supposedly in order to destroy The System - then there would be no need to have The System.

Remember, this is a *spiritual* war - Therefore, The System is ultimately just a means to the end of our spiritual corruptions and ultimate damnation.

24 August 2022 at 07:08