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Anonymous dearieme said...

Oliver Rackham, the great historian of the countryside, has challenged anybody to name anyone punished by the violent means promised in the Forest Laws for poaching deer or hare, or .... He says nobody can: that the modern view of those laws misunderstands how they worked - people typically got fined, they did not get hacked to pieces. It was, in effect, a sort of rent charged by the holders of the hunting rights.

27 December 2012 at 13:04

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@d - Oh good grief! You'll be telling me next that the Industrial Revolution was good for the working class, or that majority rule has been a disaster for South Africa/ West Indies, or that the British ruling class lost more by the 1914-18 war than the proletariat, or that FDR did not cure the great depression - and that almost everything we think we know is just a vast conspiracy of Leftist propaganda...


But seriously, I hadn't heard that about the forest laws - it sounds all too probable.

27 December 2012 at 13:16

Anonymous stephens said...

It's one of the many Leftist contradictions that "prison doesn't work" yet there are longer prison sentences for their designated "hate" crimes.
(Sections 145 & 146 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 caters specifically for increased sentencing.)

27 December 2012 at 16:25

Blogger Anthony Hopper said...

Interesting analysis...One other key difference between classical/medieval/pre-modern laws and modern laws (which transcends issues surrounding their enforcement/non-enforcement) might be in their views on the potential for rehabilitating criminals.

27 December 2012 at 16:37

Anonymous Daybreaker said...

George Monbiot: The day my inner anarchist lost out...

"Everyone was welcome at the site and, as they were travellers, one of the groups marginalised by the concentration of control and ownership of land in Britain, we went out of our way to accommodate them. They must have thought they had died and gone to heaven."


"We had no idea how to handle them without offending our agonised liberal consciences. They saw this and exploited it ruthlessly."

The travelers are the sort of group medieval law "marginalized".

Monbiot's encounters with travelers, focusing on the uselessness of his liberal principles in dealing with them, are funnier if you let slip from your mind that he has spent a lifetime making honest people as helpless as possible against "marginalized groups" like these and worse, and that he and his liberal peers are all for importing into white lands where people have been genetically pacified non-whites from "oppressed" parts of the world where violence has stayed dominant, genetically and in every other way.

27 December 2012 at 22:37