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Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

In The Sense Of Being Stared At, Rupert Sheldrake describes the common belief in 'the evil eye' - which is the harmful effects of (especially) envy - and attempts to counteract or block it.

Naturally, I was impressed by the culmination of the line of argument in a warning against despair: "Ought we, therefore, not to refrain from despair over the prospects of the West... because our despair will tend to frustrate the cure that might this very minute be working its way through the dough like yeast?

"...A cure is possible, after all. Stranger things have happened. There have been several Great Awakenings in the last 500 years. We could easily be on the verge of another"

Kristor clarifies the distinction between despair and 'pessimism' which may be simply a realistic appraisal of what is needed.

What I hope to get clearer, for myself and others, is a recognition of what is needed, not a socio-political change but A Great Awakening of some kind.

25 January 2012 at 06:22

Blogger CorkyAgain said...

There's an element of pride in despair. Because we cannot see a way out, we conclude that there is none.

But if the cause is just, does it really matter whether it is doomed or not? Aren't we called to keep on fighting the good fight, and not concern ourselves so much with how it's all going to end?

We should not seek to know the future. Instead, we should seek to know the good.

25 January 2012 at 19:03

Anonymous cantillonblog said...

I believe that Awakenings are associated with periods of colder climate (which themselves tend to lead to higher food prices). We are only a few years in to the putative (but rather likely, in my view) Eddy Solar Minimum and it is already getting a little bit chillier. I think it will get rather colder in the next couple of decades. One can already see early signs of a spiritual revival, with other cultural shifts that tend to accompany colder weather (like a realization of the benefits of solitude).

25 January 2012 at 21:50