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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

I should say that it is not just reaching our fundamental assumptions but also (and this is the crudity that many people feel insufficiently 'philosophical') to adopt certain fundamental assumptions in preference to others...primarily the assumption that some ideas are true and others are not, and the ones that are true are better.

That is to say, I adhere to the primitive and etymological definition of philosophy, to love truth and wisdom better than lies and delusion.

That said, I do believe that the impulse to really examine our motives and reasoning back to the most profound and unalterable foundation is not going to be supported well by any other basic premise than a love of truth and wisdom. Those who are not already, at whatever remove, working primarily from ideas rooted in the assumed superiority of truth to falsehood or incoherence will not persist in trying to learn their deepest motives because the sincere desire to know yourself as you really are is a consequence of your desire to know what really is rather than avoid knowing.

Conversely, if we really love truth, then we seek to know the truth about ourselves.

30 October 2017 at 04:31

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@CCL - Fair enough - to be 'a philosopher' means to have reached the fundamental understanding And Then made the choice of truth.

Accepting the truth without having reached the understanding is meaningless/ misleading/ counter-productive (philosophically) - but the choice of truth must be a choice; there is no compulsion (although there are multiple consequnces).

30 October 2017 at 06:35