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Anonymous dearieme said...

You can't be a Christian and a Socialist. The Bible is quite clear: "Thou shalt not covet.....".

10 July 2011 at 11:04

Blogger sykes.1 said...

"Virtue is then a matter of following a set of rules, of Laws."

Is this not Paul's critique of Judaism?

10 July 2011 at 13:58

Anonymous GFC said...

Since Leo XIII the Popes have had a number of writings on socialism, none of it positive. I recommend Quadragesimo Anno from Pius XI. I think it will be an interesting read for you Dr. Charlton as it covers some of what you mention.

Link to Q.A.:

Also from Q.A.:
If Socialism, like all errors, contains some truth (which, moreover, the Supreme Pontiffs have never denied), it is based nevertheless on a theory of human society peculiar to itself and irreconcilable with true Christianity. Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are contradictory terms; no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist.

Sadly this battle rages to the present day as the virus of socialism infects many Catholics (it's a major part of the general heresy that grips a great deal of modern Western Catholics). Pope Benedict wrote two condemnations of Liberation Theology which is a vehicle for socialism, in the 1980s, and writes on these matters most recently in Caritas in Veritate.

11 July 2011 at 17:31

Anonymous Hugo said...

I am not a biblical scholar, but I always though Jesus was pretty explicit with "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God" and "Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven". Is that not socialism?

11 July 2011 at 19:10

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Hugo - obviously not!

Surely there is all the difference in the world between *giving away* your own wealth; and having wealth confiscated and re-allocated by the state?

The one is an active moral act done by choice; the other is something done-to-you without choice.

Does this really need to be spelled-out?

11 July 2011 at 19:59

Anonymous Brett Stevens said...

To my mind, the most profound statement of Christianity (via the prophet Jesus Christ) is that giving should be anonymous. Something about not letting the right hand know what the left hand is doing.

Public charity is a form of manipulation: "Look at me, I'm giving to the homeless!" -- often satirized as what kids do in order to get into college, or what collegiate make-out artists do to impress liberal women.

Private charity is what I've seen many people do in the south: after a tragedy, food appears on the back door in abundance. You never see them leave it, either. It's quite beautiful.

12 July 2011 at 02:56

Anonymous Hugo said...

Bruce: quite right.

What are your thoughts on those particular quotes? Do you think anyone who is rich should sell "all that thou hast", and if so how would you define "rich"?

12 July 2011 at 16:15

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Hugo - I am not the man to turn to for Biblical exegesis, I'm afraid!

But I do believe that the ascetic (hermetic/ monastic) way is the path to sanctity, for those with a vocation to it and in the proper context - and in this respect the best Christians will always have given away their worldly goods.

However, there are very few such people nowadays, and giving-away (or, with socialism, having-confiscated) all your worldly goods is utterly ineffectual unless done for the sake of God and as part of ascetic discpline.

12 July 2011 at 17:06

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@GFC - yes I have looked through this.

The problem with the official Catholic ideas on economics is that they seem unlikely to happen (a century old and events have constantly moved away from them), and that they are a kind of halfway house between capitalism and traditional top-down agricultural societies.

I suspect that 'distributism' is only stable in very specific situations (e.g. Iceland through the Middle Ages, New England for a couple of hundred years)

12 July 2011 at 18:53

Anonymous Gabe Ruth said...

Regarding that last comment: since when image you particularly concerned with being pragmatic? Let me also say that I appreciate that. But getting to a system that you or I would be happy with would take a transitional phase that wouldn't be pleasant for anyone. I think that was a rather glib dismissal of a body of thought that commands at least consideration.

This post was pretty fantastic though. You ever come across Will Shetterly? A pretty good example of a sincere Universalist who has a running series of "socialist" Bible verses. I would never accuse Mr. Shetterly of covetousness though. Just hubris.

13 July 2011 at 02:56

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@GR - I was a distributist long before I ever heard of the term or read Chesterton or Belloc - I got it from Schumacher and the Self Sufficiency movement of the 1970s - especially John Seymour, and things like Blueprint for Survival. In my mid teens this was a very mainstream view in England - on television (e.g. a hugely successful comedy called The Good Life).

But, except in geographical situations where farming is very unproductive and farms are necessarily spaced out - I can't see how distributism is sustainable - if one farmer becomes richer and wants to get bigger and take over, I can't see what would stop him - and it would be a positive feedback change...

In general, I have become either suspicious of or simply uninterested by economic theories. I think economics follows - it does not lead. The rulers simply cut economics to fit whatever they want to do anyway

- as happened in Sept 2008, when in the space of a few weeks Keynsianism was revived from the dead and made mainstream - in order to justify massive government spending - and everyone on the Left who wanted to continue and expand massive government spending anyway (regardless of the crisis) was happy to go along with it.

So, I believe that economics is (or should be) something worked-out according to common sense understanding of normal human sitiations - and it should follow (not lead) social change.

The other factor is that distributusm fits a particularly Roman Catholic idea of the State, which I regard as semi-modern, early modern, tending towards full modernity. (I mean the division of power/ organization between temporal and spiritual; monarch and Pope - with separate organizations). In other words unstable and antagonistic intrinsically.

So I find it difficult to regard distributism as anything other than a similarly temporary transition.

Finally, I am so pessimistic about the economic future and about future social disorder, that distributism seems like pie in the sky!

13 July 2011 at 06:37

Anonymous Gabe Ruth said...

I think your hypothetical shows a lack of imagination. You acknowledge towards the end the chaos that would have to ensue before any system like this would be a political possibility. So you think there should be laws to prevent one ambitious farmer from "taking over"? I think that if all the self-sufficient farmers in our post-catastrophe system came to see there work as a hymn to the Almighty, and rediscovered the dignity of labor, it would be much more difficult to take over his farm. He would recognize that the way of centralization would lead to more ease for himself, but since he would be in the future he may have a clue where that will end up.

You should be distrustful of government economics. This doesn't excuse you from thinking about the issue though. This also brings our differences about the union of secular and spiritual authority back up. You think that a separation is more likely to lead to modernity. I think the opposite. Mr. Moldbug's linking of Christianity and the roots of the modern left is far more accurate than you want to believe. We had a theocracy once. It was all there was, and it has been utterly destroyed, and much human faith with it. If religion is true, it can take care of itself. If this world becomes less pleasant for Christians in the time to come, we should welcome it. For it means we are doing something right. I pray that I will be up for the challenge.

13 July 2011 at 14:03

Anonymous Thrasymachus said...

>>Individual Rightists may be religious or will have positive values as individuals, but positive values are not intrinsic to mainstream secular Right politics.<<

Mainstream secular right politics operates on the assumption that leftism is moral and well-intentioned, but simply impractical in some aspects. That's why it's very weak. Only by stepping outside this the "conservative" obtain any perspective.

13 July 2011 at 18:48

Blogger George Goerlich said...

Here is an example article where a socialist Christian admits that equality *is* His religion, and once he realized Christianity was an impediment to he simply tosses aside:

30 March 2013 at 12:04