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Blogger The Crow said...

Boadicea ftw. Those were the days.
Maybe they weren't. But I like to think they were. East Anglia for the Angles, or death.
Now we get 'Boudicca' and a pile of propaganda. And nothing at all is sacred.

30 March 2013 at 13:58

Anonymous dearieme said...

There were no Angles in East Anglia in B's day.

30 March 2013 at 20:11

Blogger The Crow said...

There aren't now, either.

31 March 2013 at 03:39

Anonymous dearieme said...

Oh I don't know. When we moved into our house you only had to go up the road past the Czech couple, past the Italian family, past the other Scots, past the Greeks and there they were: a couple one of whom was a Geordie. It's true that ancient Northumbria is thought to have been populated by Britons with a few Angle nobles in charge, but she might have been descended from one of them, mightn't she?

31 March 2013 at 12:02