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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I think you are carrying the Father/children analogy too far.

Human father sure does not want his children to think of him all day; but that is because human father is not the greatest 'thing' in the whole existence.

On the contrary, God IS the greatest 'thing' in existence; and so it makes sense you should think of Him. What else should you focus on? Everything is small and futile compare to God.

Moreover, on more 'practical' grounds: Everything except God will once be taken from you; so if you focus on anything else, you are in for a rude awakening when that happens.


21 March 2019 at 20:25

Blogger Adil said...

Agree, this is my position as well. Actually by talking about God too much, one tends to trivialise him. God is something to be held sacred, and sometimes perhaps not to be talked about. Because the more humans talk, the more we tend to twist things. The privacy between oneself and God more important than public proclamations. The reason we need organised religion is because we are far away from Him and need to reach back by paying homage. But the more godlike we become as individuals, the more we see through his eyes, and the holy spirit simply becomes an integral part of our being. So in a sense, we need to forget to remember. Atheism is sort of a fake version of that, pretending to be self-reliant, but fundamentally opposed against and allergic to God. And perhaps some of our co-religionists areally equally culpable of turning God into a "hobby", "fixation" or a "social club". Not sure God is fond of either. Belief can be inhibiting to spirituality if one never learns to fly.

21 March 2019 at 21:06

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I agree completely. Love makes sense only as a background assumption, not as The Purpose of Life. The same is true of virtue. It may be true in a sense that being fair and honest is the most important thing in business, but fairness and honesty can't be your business. In the same way, "All you need is love" is really only a form of nihilism, which I suppose is why the Christian focus on love has always rubbed me the wrong way.

22 March 2019 at 01:36

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...


Which raises the question of why the current state of confusion is allowed to persist - especially considering the inversion-levels of corruption of the word Love in the mainstream media for the ast half century.

My inclination is to balme classical monoethistic abstract 'omni'-deity Christian metaphysics - with its tendency to regard the ultimate reality of Love in terms of a static Nirvana bliss. Christians often try to believe in 'static love' - a state of being, where nothing happens. This seems to be entailed by the requirement for 'perfection' (so that any change implies imperfection).

If Christianity had fully absorbed the implication of the incarnation-death-resurrection-ascension of Time being real, sequential, linear - then this metaphysics could not have stood.

If Heaven is understood as a place of doing, if creation is seen as ongoing and open-ended, if people understand eternal life in terms of resurrected persons in relationships... we get to a different concept of the nature of Love.

22 March 2019 at 08:17