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Anonymous Rodney said...

It is an interesting phenomenon. I encountered something similar when I was being instructed by Mormon missionaries. Mormon theology seemed to have been custom-built for man, whereas traditional theology seems to want man to fit into it.

20 September 2014 at 09:27

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Rodney - "Mormon theology seemed to have been custom-built for man" - well, there is a lot of truth in that, and most people don't get far enough to recognize that as correct; but of course having recognized that fact, the crux is who 'custom-built' it.

This is why Mormons must (first) believe in their hearts that the Book of Mormon is true - i.e. is what it says it is (i.e. custom built by God, and not by Joseph Smith and his associates).

Everything hinges upon that - and there is evidence on both sides, for and against; but if that is believed (in the heart) everything else follows.

20 September 2014 at 10:18

Blogger Rich said...

Interesting. I feel that I came to be a Christian by knowing in my heart that the life I was leading was off or wrong. And that set off a search. However, it was not until I began to read moldbug then Deogolwulf and finally you, Bruce, that my heart became open to Christ. Once that little crack around the barrier formed it followed that a flood of love entered my being and my life was changed forever.

You have a great gift, Bruce. You have taught me more than I could have ever hoped for. Certainly more than I could have ever hoped for from a stranger on the internet! Thanks for continuing to push me forward. I'm so grateful.

20 September 2014 at 23:37

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ads - Thank you.

I too came to Christianity by rational steps, and via deism and monotheism - more like CS Lewis. But this took about fifty years, with many wrong turns and reverses - despite that I had spent probably hundreds of hours thinking about such matters directly and explicitly. Clearly the path I took is not going to be the basis of large scale Christian revival!

Looking back, my main feeling is that I was trying to achieve a pseudo-scientific certainty about God - a certainty in fact beyond that of science. I expected the evidence for Christianity to be conclusive and for each element to have no other possible explanation - what logical nonsense, in retrospect!

21 September 2014 at 06:00