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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

The question which a scientifically minded person must first examine is "why are female-only companies/teams so uncompetitive in many high-profile fields?"

An honest examiner has to first confront the honest evidence that female-only companies/teams enjoy enormous marketing advantages over other similar entities that do not have this cachet. If social construction and numbers of people rooting for the success of a company/team are determinative of outcomes, female-only companies/teams invariably beat out otherwise similar groups.

So why do we insist on having men and women work together in mixed-sex companies/teams, with all the attendant difficulties, rather than simply having female-only teams which avoid those problems?

Because female-only companies/teams are not competitive except where marketing is the overwhelmingly predominant factor in success.

1 May 2018 at 23:28

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@CCL - The evolutonary psychologist (and law professor) Kingsley R Browne has been writing interestingly about workplace problems due to biological sex differences for more than 20 years - his main point is that the current expectation (built-into legislation) that a sex-integrated workplace is natural and unproblematic (unless sabotaged by those of evil ideology), is absurd. In fact, the sex integrated workplace is new territory for the species, and there is no reason to suppose that it will work well. Furthermore, the rules/ laws governing the workplace are in constant flux - and utterly incoherent, so there is no possibility even of people getting-used-to the situation.

2 May 2018 at 06:29

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

Well, that depends a bit on the kind of integration. The traditional extended-family business is actually a very successful model for a functional integrated workplace.

But that is less fundamental an observation than confronting why people believe sex-integrated workplaces are 'necessary' in the first place. And so one must ask, why can't women be just as professionally successful as men by forming all-female professional settings to compete directly against traditionally all-male professions?

And of course, demand an honest answer based on actual evidence.

2 May 2018 at 10:00