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Blogger Matthew T said...

I always enjoy these Charlton-personalized Albion-themed posts, thanks.

(Well, IS that Albion? Or is it a glimpse of Mordor?)

24 July 2019 at 11:25

Blogger Francis Berger said...

I worked in Ashington for nearly a year and passed the statue dedicated to England and Newcastle United footballer Jackie Milburn every day.

I have no idea why Ashington breeds great athletes, but I have two conjectures:

1. Miner genes. People from Ashington are descended from coal miners, who were a tough bunch.
2. The ticket out - perhaps young people see sport as a way of getting out the dire circumstances that surround them in Ashington. This phenomenon is quite common in the USA.

Pertaining to the latter guess, I did not find Ashington to be all that dire. On the contrary, the town had a certain rough charm about it. And I found Newbiggin to be rather enchanting, in a plain and gruff sort of way. Of course, I myself lived in Morpeth, which was considered rather posh.

24 July 2019 at 12:55

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Francis - Thanks for adding some more recent insider knowledge. I hardly ever get there, even to drive through, since I have lost touch with my relatives who reside thereabouts. I usually point the car in some other direction on my days out.

I suppose there has to be a reason for this, since the numbers are too large to be random; but there doesn't *seem* to be anything about Ashington that sets it apart from many other similar places.

The two England fast bowlers are something of a surprise, since this is a football mad area; but in the past few decades Durham have become a cricket powerhouse to rival the traditional greats of Yorshire, which was previously the northernmost team. In the recent world cup winning side, the majority of the team were originally or currently from the Durham and Yorshire County Clubs.

24 July 2019 at 13:05

Blogger James Higham said...

There are parallels in Wales, e.g. Gareth Edwards - mining town. Also in the musical area. Deprivation, nowt else to do?

24 July 2019 at 13:44

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@James - Is there any place of similar size with so many? And what is different about the places that are productive compared with those that aren't? As I say, I think there will be a reason but

The special thing about Wales is surely the singers. Just 1-1.5 million people, yet usually there have been approximately as many top-notch operatic-type singers from Wales as from England.

24 July 2019 at 15:06

Anonymous dearieme said...

"2003 Rugby League World Cup": splutter!

24 July 2019 at 19:53

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@d - Fixed. Just a typo, not a confusion. I played Rugby Union - compulsory - for seven miserable years at school -

24 July 2019 at 20:01

Blogger Chip said...

I am late to this but when I read it, I had just ordered a book called Handball: Wales First National Sport. the description mentions its early popularity in the mining community. It is the wall game, now a court game, as opposed to the field game (team handball). I had thought it was played earlier by the Irish, but I think the book argues to the contrary. The Irish have surpassed us (USA) by making it one of a few national sports. I grew up in a small mining town and noticed it and other such towns outperformed in sports relative to their size. Especially basketball, which requires less players.

27 July 2019 at 13:21