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Anonymous John Douglas said...

"This 'system' possessing no vision of an end other than its own perpetuation, must eventually bring about its own destruction."

"God and Work" by Brian Keeble

31 May 2019 at 08:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JD - I have not read this book, but observe that I used to try and do this pretty seriously; and that it nearly-always nowadays entails being a 'bad employee' in breach of multiple, sackable, regulations - several or many times per day.

How long this can be maintained is debateable. I had to reire (from ill health) before I needed to choose between being sacked and quitting from 'disgust'.

I suspect the only viable way to be employed longterm without harm to faith (in middle class jobs, anyway) is to live in a state of permanent repentance at the frequency and severity of the sins one commits in order to earn a living.

Perhaps it would be helpful to acknowledge one's own de facto slave status - on the basis that many great Christians have, from the beinning, been slaves; thus without much control over their actions, hence compelled to assert the primacy of thought.

31 May 2019 at 11:20

Anonymous David said...

So it seems Good will triumph over evil , only in the next life, and only for some...

31 May 2019 at 14:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@David - I have to to regard 'triumph' as the wrong way to understand it. Good and evil are qualitatively different.

Or, the unit of 'triumph' is the individual soul - and each soul is different (from eternity), and it is a matter of how that soul chooses (to follow Jesus or otherwise).

Triumph should be translated as God's joy and our joy that someone we love has chosen to join the Heavenly family in the work of creation. The 'defeat' is when someone we love chooses otherwise, and is lost to us - modified by the fact that they got what they asked for and 'wanted'.

31 May 2019 at 14:57

Anonymous Dave said...

Hopefully the System will collapse swiftly and completely, like Communism did, and do it while most of us are still alive and strong enough to help our loved ones survive.

Another possibility worries me. Like the Roman Empire, the System could collapse gradually, dysgenically, over centuries, until it's nothing but a bunch of illiterate warring tribes unrelated to the Empire's founders.

31 May 2019 at 23:16

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Dave - I'd say both. There already has been about eight generations of dysgenic decline (especially for the upper classes) and a similar decline from Christianity to Leftism , but there will also be a sudden change.

1 June 2019 at 07:13